The magic of 34

The number 34 has acquired a fair amount of notoriety in the recent past. As a mathematician, I feel compelled to put in a good word for the number 34. You may reasonably ask, “What is so special about 34?” The answer is nothing short of magical. I remember my first encounter in...
Posted On 20 Apr 2013
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PNM lashing out

With reference to the articles written about Keith Rowley’s objections to the recent meetings among key stakeholders in the Defence Bill, I have been pushed into the belief the People’s National Movement (PNM) has been fairly trapped and is simply lashing out like a wild animal. 
Posted On 20 Apr 2013
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Inspired by good work of the Minister of Local Government

Dear Editor I read with great interest newspaper articles dealing with the local government Reform Consultations. I was honestly taken back when I read that the Regional Corporations have been able to draw down 80% of their money under the Public Sector Investment Program for...
Posted On 20 Apr 2013
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