Can’t wait to vote Jack Warner out

Last week for the whole week the microphones passed around the village. The horns blasting out the following; “This is the voice of Jack Warner, your hard-working MP. Come to my meeting and tell me what you want me to do. Do you want me to go and leave the politics? Do you want...
Posted On 08 Jul 2013
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It’s an offence: hold Dr Rowley responsible

After a long and intense probe, acting Commissioner of Police Stephen Williams stated that the 31 e-mails read by Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley into the Hansard in Parliament on May 20 were indeed fake. Williams maintained that a successful and timely probe into emailgate...
Posted On 08 Jul 2013
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Warner Up To No Good

Dear Editor, Jack Warner is clearly intent on not only dividing the UNC support, but also destabilising the PP Government. Mr Warner made his intentions quite clear when he formed his own Independent Liberal Party (IPL) to contest the Chaguanas West by-election, after not being...
Posted On 08 Jul 2013
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Kamla rejects Warner’s ILP

The word is “no”. Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar said yesterday she will not accept former minister Jack Warner, now turned interim political leader of the Independent Liberal Party (ILP), as a partner in her People’s Partnership Government. Last Friday, Warner launched...
Posted On 08 Jul 2013
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PM: Warner trying to bring down Partnership Govt

Jack Warner has formed a new political party—the Independent Liberal Party (ILP)—to bring down the People’s Partnership Government, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar said last night. Persad-Bissessar said Warner could have contested the Chaguanas West by-election as an...
Posted On 07 Jul 2013
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Jack Warner apologises to Panday

Faced with expulsion from the United National Congress (UNC), Jack Warner is now turning to his political guru, Basdeo Panday, with a heartfelt apology, but Panday has outrightly rejected it. Warner made the overture to Panday as the two men attended the wedding ceremony of UNC...
Posted On 07 Jul 2013
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Jack: Panday has failed me

Chaguanas West MP Jack Warner has deemed racist the remark by Basdeo Panday that he (Warner) was a monkey on the back of Kamla Persad-Bissessar. Warner, at a meeting in Felicity, Chaguanas Tuesday night, said he was hurt by the statement made by Panday. “For Bas to attack...
Posted On 07 Jul 2013
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Warner, Bas socialise at Centre of Excellence

Former Cabinet minister and leader of the newly launched Independent Liberation Party (ILP) Jack Warner met briefly with former prime minister and political leader of the United National Congress (UNC) Bas­deo Panday yesterday at the Joao Havelange Centre of Excellence in Macoya....
Posted On 07 Jul 2013
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Bas: Kamla can’t put back Jack

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar would be contradicting herself if she allows former Government minister Jack Warner to contest the Chaguanas West by-election. Former prime minister and ex-leader of the United National Congress (UNC) Basdeo Panday, speaking with the Express...
Posted On 07 Jul 2013
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Rowley: PM must fire Jack

OPPOSITION Leader Dr Keith Rowley yesterday declared that Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar can no longer protect National Security Minister Jack Warner and must immediately fire him from the Cabinet. Rowley issued this declaration in the wake of a report submitted to the...
Posted On 07 Jul 2013
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