PM, AG, Suruj sue Rowley for e-mail claim

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Attorney General Anand Ramlogan and Local Government and Works Minister Suruj Rambachan are initiating legal action against Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley for alleged defamatory statements he made about them over the e-mail issue at a May...
Posted On 23 Jul 2013
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The devious Mr. Warner

On March 03 2012, during one of Mr. Rowley’s numerous failed “No Confidence” motions, Mr. Jack Warner, the former MP for Chaguanas West, rose to his feet to give his contribution. What followed was absolutely shocking. He went into a long discourse about how...
Posted On 22 Jul 2013
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PM: Local Gov’t Election in Two Months

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has hinted that local government elections will be held within the next two months, and that general elections before the next two years is up. “There was a battle in 2010 — one in January for the leadership of the party and another in May...
Posted On 22 Jul 2013
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Ask us about Press freedom

By Suzanne Mills One Monday morning in 2003, a senior political reporter who constantly boasted of her daily six am chats with then Prime Minister Patrick Manning came to me with an ominous message. At the time I was editor in chief of Newsday and I was also writing a Sunday...
Posted On 21 Jul 2013
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Apologise. Ameen calls Warner out on misleading information

Gloomy skies and unpredictable weather did not stop the intrepid souls who walked, taxied and maxi-taxied their way to the soggy Marchin Recreation Ground, Jerningham Junction, Cunupia ground on Friday night to listen to interim leader of the newly formed Independent Liberal...
Posted On 21 Jul 2013
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Resignation the more appropriate option for Gordon

Ken Gordon should uphold integrity by resigning! Whether he accepts it or not, Ken Gordon, by his own admission, has become the central figure in this lingering emailgate scandal. Perhaps by the “slip of the mouth” on several occasions, he alluded to the fact that he did meet...
Posted On 21 Jul 2013
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Chaguanas West special electors begin voting tomorrow

The Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) has advised special electors for the Chaguanas West bye-election that the special polling station to be established by the returning officer, in accordance with Election Rule 73 (1) of the Representation of the People Act, will...
Posted On 21 Jul 2013
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Vasant: I’m backing Khadijah

TRADE Minister Vasant Bharath on Thursday threw his support behind Khadijah Ameen, the UNC’s candidate for the Chaguanas West bye-election, at a cottage meeting at the La Paille Community Centre. This despite the fact that Bharath was once tipped to be selected by the UNC as the...
Posted On 20 Jul 2013
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AG’s statement on the passing of Mr. Justice of Appeal Wendell Kangaloo

The Attorney General notes with great sadness the passing of the late Justice of Appeal, Mr. Wendel Kangaloo. His passing leaves a void in the Judiciary and the legal profession which would be difficult to fill. He was a personal friend and mentor to the Honourable Attorney...
Posted On 19 Jul 2013
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Jack Warner’s moves pathetic

The way events are unfurling with this Chaguanas West by-election, it’s clear Jack Warner’s not a man comfortable with playing second fiddle even when he is. The revelation he formed his own party even while he was a member of the United National Congress, therefore, isn’t...
Posted On 19 Jul 2013
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