New Parliament term begins Friday

The new parliamentary session begins on Friday with a ceremonial opening at Tower D of the Port-of-Spain International Waterfront Centre at 1.30 pm. The opening will be significant, primarily for three reasons. The first reason is this will be the second ceremonial opening of the...
Posted On 29 Jul 2013
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Chaguanas West: Polling Stations

Following are the polling stations and their numbers: Vishnu Boys’ Hindu College Light Pole No 139, Southern Main Road, Caroni. 1596-1, 1596-2, 1791-1, 1791-2 Munroe Road Government Primary School School Lane, Munroe Road, Cunupia. 2730-1, 2730-2, 2765-1, 2765-2, 2765-3 Munroe...
Posted On 29 Jul 2013
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Defenders and detractors

by DR HAMID GHANY As the campaign for the Chaguanas West by-election comes to an end, it is apparent that the voters will be faced with choices that could tell us a lot about ourselves. The Warner campaign was put on the defensive late in the game by a platform speaker who chose...
Posted On 28 Jul 2013
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PM’s speech at UNC bye-election Rally in Felicity, Saturday 27th July, 2013

The last few weeks have been one of the eventful periods in my political career, a career that has spanned two score plus eight – twenty eight (28) years. I had the opportunity over the recent three weeks, as Political Leader, – responding to the demands of the...
Posted On 27 Jul 2013
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How did medical record get into public domain?

THE EDITOR: Why is Jack Warner, allowed to break so many rules, violate the dignity of those who oppose him and thoroughly slander the character of his political opponents in his bid to capture the Chaguanas West seat from the UNC? I am referring here in particular about him...
Posted On 27 Jul 2013
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Birds of a feather

I was in absolute shock and horror as I observed the Independent Liberal Party (ILP) party’s political meeting on last Tuesday night. I cannot believe that Mr. Warner would subject the country to that level of abuse and disrespect. I still cannot understand the rational...
Posted On 27 Jul 2013
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The Minister of the Environment and Water Resources, Mr. Ganga Singh, has refuted ILP Interim Leader Jack Warner’s claim that it was not necessary for WASA to conduct remedial work at the site of Friday’s ILP Rally. In an impromptu tour of the area on Friday morning,...
Posted On 26 Jul 2013
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I felt it for Glenn

One thing that is fascinating about Trinidad and Tobago politics is the fact that allegations can remove governments. For this Chaguanas West campaign too, Jack has made very good use of this political tool. Fortunately, most people of this country are no longer fooled by this...
Posted On 26 Jul 2013
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I’ll return…double $$ or nothing

Daryan Warner ups stake on ticket offer: Daryan Warner, son of former government minister Jack Warner, has said he is willing to utilise the gift of a first class airline ticket to Trinidad if he receives a cheque for double his 2011 earnings which amounts to close to $6 million....
Posted On 26 Jul 2013
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Senior Citizens’ activity centres for rural areas

The Ministry of the People and Social Development is partnering with the Inter Religious Organisations (IRO) to produce senior citizens activity centres in rural areas. Three pilot centres will be developed in established places of worship, and each centre will cost an estimated...
Posted On 26 Jul 2013
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