Probe into ILP buying $25,100 in phone cards

An investigation has been launched into an incident where thousands of dollars worth of phone cards were given to the Independent Liberal Party (ILP) from the Valpark branch of Tru Valu supermarket. Eastern Commercial Lands Limited, trading as Tru Valu, issued a statement...
Posted On 18 Oct 2013
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Police give Election Day warning

THE Police Service today issued a statement advising citizens on the rules governing the election day process. The country goes to the polls on Monday, October 21, to vote in the Local Government elections. The following is the full statement from the Police Service – In a...
Posted On 17 Oct 2013
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New licenses for fuel sector – Energy Minister

There will be new licenses coming for the country’s service stations, fuel wholesalers and those who transport fuel in this country. Energy and Energy Affairs Minister, Kevin Ramnarine told attendees to the celebratory luncheon to mark the signing of a National Oil...
Posted On 17 Oct 2013
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PM meets Haiti’s Foreign Minister

Statement on Recent Ruling by the Constitutional Court of the Dominican Republic  The Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, Prime Minister of The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, met on Monday evening with the Foreign Minister of Haiti, His Excellency, Pierre-Richard Casimir, to...
Posted On 15 Oct 2013
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PNM candidate joins the UNC

A former Peoples National Movement (PNM) local government candidate for Barrackpore West has stepped out of the race and crossed the floor to the United National Congress (UNC). Indar Jairaj appeared on the UNC platform in Debe on Friday night and was introduced by Housing...
Posted On 14 Oct 2013
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Political Ads

Dear Editor: This is a very interesting political season! The advertising campaigns undertaken by all parties is quite entertaining and somewhat incredulous. When I listen to the PNM’s assertion that they stand for integrity and they are the future I cannot help but be...
Posted On 14 Oct 2013
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ILP Flawed Screening Process?

We the people of Trinidad and Tobago generally consider the candidates chosen by political parties to be of the highest possible standard to represent us. This is so whether it is an alderman or a senator in the parliament. My simple question to Jack is how on earth can your...
Posted On 14 Oct 2013
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A Human Error

As human beings, we make mistakes in life. With the complexity of the “new” politics in T&T, it’s sometimes very difficult to make the right decisions. I have been one that never forgot that the PNM party ruled us for over 40 years so that their poor decision making is felt...
Posted On 14 Oct 2013
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‘Careful how you vote’

PICKING up where he left off on Friday night, a fiery Oropouche East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal on Saturday night at a UNC local government elections campaign meeting, again cautioned the public on voting blindly for candidates selected by the Independent Liberal Party (ILP), whom he...
Posted On 14 Oct 2013
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Major Infrastructure Development in Roads

Following are some major Infrastructure Development in Roads under the People’s Partnership government for the period 2010 – 2015. Completion of the Aranguez Overpass Construction of the Aranguez overpass started on December 21, 2009, and was expected to cost between...
Posted On 13 Oct 2013
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