AG: Way clear for Hart trial

Attorney General Anand Ramlogan yesterday hailed the “historic landmark ruling” by the High Court which he said would pave the way for former State executives like Calder Hart, Leelanda Rampaul, Ken Julien, Malcolm Jones and others to face trial for actions and decisions taken...
Posted On 29 Oct 2013
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PRIME Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar said yesterday surveys were just a snapshot of the present, as she responded to questions about an Express poll that put the United National Congress (UNC) behind the Opposition People’s National Movement (PNM) in the upcoming St Joseph...
Posted On 28 Oct 2013
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Rambachan: calls for general election unwarranted

Following the recent local govt elections, a call for a general elections is being made.  The grounds for such an election are at best spurious and unwarranted. It therefore amounts to the political rhetoric of the season. What are the facts surrounding the governance of the...
Posted On 27 Oct 2013
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Highway patrol nabs kidnappers, rescues victim

The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service Highway Patrol Unit reported success on its first day on the nation’s roads with the discovery of a man hogtied and beaten in the trunk of a car. In a news release issued by the Ministry of National Security, it was reported that at 12.05 am...
Posted On 27 Oct 2013
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Rambachan: PR right thing to do

Dear Editor The introduction of PR in the selection of Aldermen for local government corporations following the elections has shown that the Hon PM and the PP Govt was absolutely right in their assertion that such a system will give recognition to “every vote” cast at the...
Posted On 27 Oct 2013
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The El Dorado Girls Youth Camp has been refurbished and converted into an Academy solely dedicated to the training of nurses and allied health care workers. The Academy of Nursing and Allied Health will help to address the great shortage of nurses and health care workers in...
Posted On 27 Oct 2013
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ILP now a total failure

THE EDITOR: Now that the political dust has settled, at least momentarily, a reflection of the results is necessary. During the political campaigning for this election, in a moment of weakness, I left the party that I’ve known all my life, the UNC. My departure was facilitated by...
Posted On 26 Oct 2013
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Launch of new Highway Patrol Unit

SPEAKING NOTES of the Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, S.C. MP at the Launch of the Rebranded Trinidad and Tobago Police Service Highway Patrol Vehicles: I am very pleased to be here this afternoon for the launch of the rebranded Highway Patrol Vehicles of the Trinidad and...
Posted On 25 Oct 2013
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Kamla gives PNM a lesson in democracy

Say what you want about the prime minister and her People’s Partnership government, the PNM should be thankful to her for having the guts and the sense of doing the right thing to call the local government elections (LGE) when it was constitutionally due. Compare this with the...
Posted On 25 Oct 2013
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Free Medical Camp – Caroni East

Helping Hands T&T Foundation In collaboration with the Mp for Caroni East Dr. the Honourable Tim Gopeesingh: Join us on Saturday 26th October 2013 from 2pm-5pm at Madras Road Government Primary School Free Medical Camp – Blood, Sugar, Heart Testing and General Medical...
Posted On 25 Oct 2013
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