
MP Lee: Dragon Field no quick fix to T&T’s decimated energy sector

The announcement of a licence being granted to T&T for the development of the Dragon field will not magically fix T&T’s decimated energy sector as the first gas from this project is years away. This announcement while offering potential in years to come doesn’t...
Posted On 25 Jan 2023
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Couva North MP: Why is the Government delaying the fuel rebate for fisherfolk?

During Question time in Parliament yesterday, January 23rd, 2023, Couva North MP Ravi Ratiram asked the Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries: “Will the Minister state the specific incentives or relief measures undertaken to assist fisherfolk to treat with the increased...
Posted On 24 Jan 2023
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TANCOO: Fully proclaim the Procurement legislation to help the FIU

“The Minister of Finance reported on the findings of the FIU yet failed to recognize the benefits of the procurement legislation in helping the FIU do a better job. Together, the FIU and the Office of the Procurement Regulator would be able to scrutinize the activities of many...
Posted On 24 Jan 2023
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Opposition Leader offers condolences on the passing of Mrs Helen Humphrey

I was saddened to learn of the passing of Helen Humphrey, the beloved wife of my former Parliamentary colleague John Humphrey. Helen Humphrey played a significant role in the evolution, history, growth and development of the United National Congress over the past 33 years, and I...
Posted On 21 Jan 2023
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Couva North MP – Central fishermen still plagued by crime, infrastructural problems

On Tuesday January 17, 2023, the National Agricultural Marketing and Development Corporation (NAMDEVCO) hosted a public stakeholder consultation at the Orange Valley Wholesale Fish Market (OVWFM). At that meeting, staff from the Office of the MP for Couva North were present and...
Posted On 19 Jan 2023
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Foreign countries choose ceremonial heads with track records, does Christine this bill?

While many Commonwealth countries have ceremonial Heads of State (HOS) who are visible symbols of national unity and who have life long track records of social cohesion, Rowley has selected Christine Kangaloo Garcia who, if newspaper reports are to be believed, has a public track...
Posted On 16 Jan 2023
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SENATOR NAKHID: Government not Transparent about Affairs of our Children

Having seen an editorial in the Trinidad Express concerning Minister Ayana Webster Roy’s inexplicable decision to allow the Margaret Kistow Home to continue to operate despite both the Children’s Authority and the Judith Jones Report findings that the facility was unsuitable for...
Posted On 16 Jan 2023
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Balisier House Must be Kept Separately from President’s House

Prime Minister Rowley has again disappointed the nation, with his selection of Senator Christine Kangaloo as his personally recruited Presidential nominee. The Office of President is the highest office of the land, charged with many functions which should be executed in an...
Posted On 14 Jan 2023
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MP Charles: Is Kangaloo still a card carrying member of the PNM?

Before the electoral college meets to vote on who will become our next President, MP Charles is demanding that Christine Kangaloo publicly resign from the PNM. As far as MP Charles is aware, she has not done so. This would make her the first President of our country to be a card...
Posted On 14 Jan 2023
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PADARATH: Kangaloo and Independent Senators cannot Separate Themselves from PNM

MP for Princes Town, Barry Padarath is joining with the Opposition Leader in the call for the PNM Government to withdraw their presidential nomination, citing Christine Kangaloo’s inability to separate herself from the Party. Padarath stated that the public record of...
Posted On 14 Jan 2023
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