Change is inevitable

The Editor: It was intriguing to see that the Constitution Amendment Bill was passed with several amendments. I believe that the independent senators did what they were rightly appointed to do. They made several key changes to the bill that would definitely please most people,...
Posted On 29 Aug 2014
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Improving our democracy

The Editor: I consider myself a floating voter. I have listened carefully to both sides of the debate concerning the Constitutional Amendment Bill. I am not one to be easily convinced to support political measures. Searching for more information, I took the time to listen to the...
Posted On 29 Aug 2014
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Constitution Amendment Bill passed

WITH a vote of 18 for and 12 against, the Constitution (Amendment) Bill 2014 was passed in the Upper House, Tower D, International Waterfront Centre, Port of Spain, last night. The vote took place at 11.07 p.m. The Government needed the vote of one Independent senator for the...
Posted On 29 Aug 2014
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Rowley’s Ricochet

The Editor: Last year the country was in turbulence to garner information that criminal allegations were levelled against senior government officials including the prime minister. Most damning among the allegations was the intention to cause grievous bodily harm to Guardian...
Posted On 28 Aug 2014
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Barbadian Political Scientist hails PM’s “selfless political act”

The Constitutional Amendment Bill, 2014 is one of the most anticipated Bills to be debated by those who support it and those who oppose the proposals. But there is support coming from regional bodies. On Monday, the Director of the Caribbean Development Research Services, Mr....
Posted On 27 Aug 2014
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Bring emailgate guilty to justice

THE EDITOR: Now that Google has let the cat out of the bag, and some of the emailgate puzzle has been revealed, those responsible must be brought to justice. The finger now seems to point clearly at the Opposition. If it is proven they are behind an attempt to overthrow the...
Posted On 26 Aug 2014
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UNC Youth supports ‘people power’ reforms

The youth arm of the UNC strongly supports the proposed amendments and commends the Honorable Prime Minister for her political courage and strength. Our society has matured and grown and is much more in favour of majority representation and service. Young people of Trinidad &...
Posted On 25 Aug 2014
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Ramlogan does not own Google!

Dear Editor: I heard Jack Warner say that Anand Ramlogan cannot investigate himself and that “Emailgate” is not over. This had me puzzled, and led me to do some research on the owners of Google. It was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in California in 1998. with...
Posted On 25 Aug 2014
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Rowley loses credibility

Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley, during his motion of no confidence last year against the People’s Partnership Government and the Prime Minister, disclosed the contents of 31 “e-mails” purporting to be exchanges between Prime Minister Persad-Bissessar, Attorney General Anand...
Posted On 25 Aug 2014
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Rowley must resign

In May, 2013 we all listened in horror to a no confidence motion in parliament led by Dr Rowley, about persons in high government office conspiracy theory with evidence. Dr Rowley presented a series of damning e-mails implicating the Prime Minister, the Attorney General and Local...
Posted On 25 Aug 2014
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