Most formidable display of a PM in T&T

The actions of Prime Minister Persad-Bissessar in seeking and obtaining the resignations of AG Ramlogan and Minister Griffiths have been perhaps the most formidable display of a PM in independent Trinidad and Tobago. Never before in our young nation’s history has such iron been...
Posted On 04 Feb 2015
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PM humble, calm

AS a political tactician the Prime Minister possesses a stock of skills and a level of finesse that Keith Rowley would do well to try to acquire. A literal chasm separates her quiet confidence from the crude, wild and raucous ranting of the Leader of the Opposition and the...
Posted On 04 Feb 2015
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Ministry of Education Opens Two More New Schools Point Fortin

Two more new schools were officially opened on Tuesday 3rd, February 2015 by Education Minister Dr the Honourable, Tim Gopeesingh in the Point Fortin Constituency. The Egypt Village Government Primary School was constructed to accommodate a student body of 420 students while the...
Posted On 04 Feb 2015
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Leadership – Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar vs Opposition Leader Keith Rowley

By Capil Bissoon Rowley: “Those who are accused take steps and go to any bounds to escape the consequences of their actions. The prime minister is guilty of dereliction of duty, of obfuscation, and she stands accused of consistently hiding and defending wrong doing in her...
Posted On 03 Feb 2015
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Charles slams Rowley’s ‘hysterical exaggerations’

A COMPLETE and total lack of understanding of his role, and a continuing demonstration that he is unfit to lead. This is how PRO of the United National Congress, Rodney Charles, has described comments by Opposition leader Keith Rowley about Monday’s Cabinet change...
Posted On 03 Feb 2015
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UNC Women Congratulates Prime Minister Kamla on Decisive Action

‎The Women’s Arm of the United National Congress wishes to congratulate the Hon Kamla Persad Bissessar on decisive action regarding the cabinet reshuffle yesterday, in light of recent controversy which has brought the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of National...
Posted On 03 Feb 2015
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UNC Youth Arm supports the Honourable Prime Minister – Wishes Ramlogan all the best

The membership of the United National Congress Youth Arm fully endorses and supports the Honourable Prime Minister and Political Leader of the United National Congress Kamla Persad Bissessar on the stance she has taken with the recent situation which has brought the Office of the...
Posted On 03 Feb 2015
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PM Kamla statement on revocation of AG Ramlogan and Minister Griffith

Speaking Notes of the Hon. Kamla Persad Bissessar during her address to the Nation on Monday 2nd February 2015 When this government assumed office I pledged that there would be no compromise on integrity in public office or performance. I took an oath under the Constitution of...
Posted On 02 Feb 2015
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Statement by former AG Anand Ramlogan

I understand and accept the decision of the Honourable Prime Minister to relieve me of my duties as a Senator and Attorney General. The Prime Minister has acted in the public interest to uphold the Constitution and the Rule of Law and I support these higher ideals. The job of...
Posted On 02 Feb 2015
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Bharath: Griffith’s claims ‘false and without basis’

COMPLETELY false and without any basis whatsoever! This is how the Trade, Industry, Investment and Communication Minister, Vasant Bharath, has described claims by the National Security Minister, Gary Griffith, that he was pressured to withdraw a witness statement in an ongoing...
Posted On 01 Feb 2015
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