UNC Youth Arm supports the Honourable Prime Minister – Wishes Ramlogan all the best
The membership of the United National Congress Youth Arm fully endorses and supports the Honourable Prime Minister and Political Leader of the United National Congress Kamla Persad Bissessar on the stance she has taken with the recent situation which has brought the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of National Security into disrepute.
Over the past days public pressure has been mounting while the Opposition sought to score cheap political points and were even prepared to sacrifice national interest. However the Prime Minister demonstrated what a true leader is, as she has routinely done over the past four years by placing the benefit of the nation ahead of personal friendships and political allegiances in revoking the appointments of both Anand Ramlogan as Attorney General and Gary Griffith as Minister of National Security.
The Members of the United National Congress Youth Arm congratulate the Honourable Prime Minister for making a decision that was based on integrity and morality while being in the nation’s best interest. She has demonstrated her strength, commitment and vision in being a pro active and transparent leader. As Prime Minister she has done what many of her predecessors have failed to do; act in the nation’s best interest. As the Prime Minister continues to lead our nation with the same resolve to maintain the inviolable principles of good governance we wish her continued success and express full confidence in her leadership.
In closing the UNC Youth Arm would like acknowledge and thank Mr.Anand Ramlogan for his committed and diligent service he has given to the Government and the UNC which extended beyond the calls of duty many times. He inspired and assisted many young people within the UNC and for this we wish him all the best in his future endeavors.
Nicholas Morris
United National Congress Youth Arm