
Padarath Tells Marvin Lawsuits Against WASA are Lawsuits Against the Government, Fix WASA

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath has condemned the Minister of Public Utilities for not addressing the failing infrastructure of WASA and instead encourages citizens to sue the State. The Opposition Shadow Minister for Public Utilities said that the government for the past eight...
Posted On 23 Mar 2023
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Rowley reintroduces UNC programs eight years after destroying them

Eight years after needlessly and spitefully shutting down the programs the former UNC Government put in place to transform our education system and prepare students for the digital age, the Rowley government is now finally adopting a policy of incorporating digital technology in...
Posted On 22 Mar 2023
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Charles calls for investigation into funding of Balisier House

Following TTPS, CTU and FIU inaction on this matter, Charles has written to Transparency International requesting their assistance in demanding that an investigation be done into the funding of Balisier House, in the interest of transparency, democracy and accountability. (See...
Posted On 17 Mar 2023
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PADARATH: RIC Now Openly Political, Their PNM Petticoat is Showing

Shadow Minister of Public Utilities, MP Barry Padarath has rejected the public utterances of the RIC, particularly the Chairman Dawn Callender over the last day in relation to the aborted consultation in Chaguanas on Wednesday. Instead of Ms. Callender taking the approach of...
Posted On 17 Mar 2023
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INDARSINGH: Minister Gadsby-Dolly Denying Students of Couva West a Proper Education

Today, I am calling on the Minister of Education, Dr. the Honourable Nyan Gadsby- Dolly to stop neglecting the students, parents and teachers at the Couva West Secondary School. From mouldy classrooms to leaking ceilings, infrastructural issues have affected teaching at the...
Posted On 17 Mar 2023
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Attorney: RIC cannot dim the lights on freedom of expression

As a lifelong resident of Chaguanas, I attended the public consultation on proposed increased electricity rates held by the Regulated Industries Commission (RIC) last Wednesday at Centre Point Mall. What I witnessed at this meeting has now confirmed my worst suspicions about the...
Posted On 17 Mar 2023
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MP Tancoo Launches Petition Following Government’s Failure to Provide Reliable Water Supply

Following demands for the Constituency of Oropouche West, MP Tancoo has launched a petition demanding that the government takes urgent action to address the water infrastructure crisis in his Constituency. The petition follows years of failed promises from the government to...
Posted On 16 Mar 2023
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OPPOSITION LEADER: Armour Will be Remembered as the Worst AG in History

No one could have imagined how inept Reginald Armour would turn out to be as the replacement for the disastrous Faris Al-Rawi. No citizen takes any pleasure in seeing the office of the AG being destroyed daily by Armour, who is simply incompetent for the job. His incompetence is...
Posted On 16 Mar 2023
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PADARATH: RIC Running From The People, Aborts Consultation

Shadow Minister for Public Utilities, MP Barry Padarath, who has been very vocal about the manner in which the RIC is handling a proposed electricity rate increase, is calling on the RIC to stop running from the people of Trinidad and Tobago as well as to stand up and face the...
Posted On 16 Mar 2023
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Tancoo: Why the Secrecy Rohan?

Oropouche West MP Dave Tancoo has accused Minister Rohan Sinanan of an “obscene and arrogant insult” to the 26,000 taxpayers living in Oropouche West by refusing to provide a basic list of works to be undertaken in the constituency. According to Tancoo, “A minister...
Posted On 15 Mar 2023
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