100 Tabac farmers thank PM, PP Govt

…can now drive up to their gardens FARMERS of Tabac in Tabaquite are quite grateful for all that have been done for them, since the People’ Partnership (PP) Government took office in 2010. The farmers have moved three steps ahead with transportation while farming in the area. The...
Posted On 25 Jun 2015
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Moonilal Writes Ethics Council

June 24th, 2015 Dr. Bishnu Ragoonath Chairman The Council for Responsible Political Behaviour c/o Archbishop’s House #27 Maraval Road PORT OF SPAIN Dear Dr. Ragoonath, I draw to your attention and members of the your Council the scurrilous and blatantly false publication...
Posted On 24 Jun 2015
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UNC Women – A Sad day for women in Trinidad and Tobago

Today is indeed a sad day for the women of Trinidad and Tobago. The Women’s Arm of the UNC has heard with great sadness and disappointment the unwarranted attacks on Kamla Persad Bissessar made by Jack Warner at a press conference yesterday and indeed we must condemn any such...
Posted On 24 Jun 2015
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PM Address at UNC Mobilization Meeting Debe June 23, 2015

So each week begins with a more bizarre wild and delusional statement and claims echoed by sidekick Mr Rowley and stemming from tag team Mr Warner. I do not intend to play out their script. My lawyers will deal with their lies and fabrications. I will not play into their script...
Posted On 24 Jun 2015
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Truth as victim to propaganda

The PNM has now thrown caution to the wind in their floundering build up to the General Elections. Bereft of any visionary ideas to take the twin island Republic on the road to continued development, the opposition has resorted to the vilest form of mudslinging, slander and...
Posted On 23 Jun 2015
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False information from fallen gloves

False information has already surfaced in another glove off approach from Mr Warner on Kamla. Warner, in his statement, said Richardson came to Parliament on April 12, 2013, while a sitting was in progress and they went into a private room at the Parliament. He said, “The DCP...
Posted On 23 Jun 2015
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The Rowley/Warner/Roget tag team

by Capil Bissoon Politics makes for very strange bedfellows. Three hard-back men with over 180 years combined and a record of all kinds of tricks—good, bad, dirty and otherwise— are seeking to dethrone one woman, and a grandmother at that! Dr Keith Rowley, Austin Jack Warner and...
Posted On 22 Jun 2015
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FATHER’S DAY 2015: Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar Message

Today, Trinidad & Tobago joins the rest of the world in honouring good and loving fathers as role models, exemplars and guardians of their children. And while thousands of families in our country will be showing their deep affections with presents, cards and family events,...
Posted On 21 Jun 2015
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Why is Jack not attacking the PNM?

The Editor: Jack Warner tells us that he has his own Party, the ILP, and that he is contesting the next General Election. All of that sounds plausible despite one may argue that a man in Jack’s position would have been focusing on mounting a defence to the request of the...
Posted On 21 Jun 2015
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Kamla did well

In all fairness to Kamla, she did an excellent job over the last five years to stabilise our economy that was reeling from corruption, wanton wastage, lack of listening to the voice of the people, smelters and rapid rail systems while the average citizen suffered from poor roads,...
Posted On 21 Jun 2015
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