Why is Jack not attacking the PNM?
The Editor: Jack Warner tells us that he has his own Party, the ILP, and that he is contesting the next General Election. All of that sounds plausible despite one may argue that a man in Jack’s position would have been focusing on mounting a defence to the request of the United States to extradite him.
If we are to believe Jack then we would expect to hear Jack advancing to us what the ILP is going to do for the country. We would expect to see Jack attacking the PP Government. We would also expect to see Jack attacking the PNM.
It is however very clear that Jack has not been attacking the PNM. I must ask why, wouldn’t you too? I am left in the absence of any explanation from Jack to conclude that he is supporting the PNM. That is the only logical conclusion. So what then is Jack’s role in the next General Election? Is it to only divide the votes? And if it is, then we must question Jack and tell him that he should not take us for fools.
Be alert fellow citizens. Be sure to think about our country’s future? Do we want to continue moving forward or do we want to risk going backwards.
I want to continue going forward, don’t you too?
Sam Johnson
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