Why the reluctance, Rowley?

The Editor: In my humble view, the Leaders’ Debate between the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition is an excellent idea. The Debate will give the nation an opportunity to hear and assess the philosophies and strategic plans of both persons and by extension, the...
Posted On 17 Jul 2015
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Rowley warning of Haiti, “cries of a desperate man”

Dr Keith Rowley has been reported as saying that Trinidad could “easily become Haiti” if measures are not taken to stop the economic decline. Having uttered these alarming and ominous words at a political meeting on Monday night, I believe it is now necessary to enlighten the...
Posted On 17 Jul 2015
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Rowley’s comparison with Haiti – ludicrous and insulting

Responding to Keith Rowley’s comparison between the economy of Trinidad and Tobago and that of Haiti, a Party Spokesman for the UNC said: “This comparison is ludicrous and insulting to the people of Trinidad and Tobago. Why is Rowley talking our nation down? “His comparison...
Posted On 16 Jul 2015
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PM Kamla promises more delivery in second term

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Monday challenged Colm Imbert to show what she has done for Diego Martin during his many years as the MP for the area. She made the point as she delivered the feature address at the UNC’s Monday Night Forum at the Country Club in...
Posted On 14 Jul 2015
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PNM now a Limp Force

by Rabindra Moonan As the date for the general elections draws closer, the PNM has now emerged as the Limp Force. Starting from the blocks early, spitting fire and brimstone, Rowley and his then gay group have now sputtered as a miserable bunch .Their campaign has faltered badly...
Posted On 14 Jul 2015
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UNC hits Rowley’s ‘record distortions’

THE Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley appears to be working hard to outdo his own public record of deliberate distortions; as he fuels widespread belief that he has no vision, no ideas and no plans, citizens are now increasingly aware that he has no basis for his claim to...
Posted On 09 Jul 2015
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500 get new houses

THE prayers of 500 people were answered yesterday as their names were selected at a live random electronic lottery draw at the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) South Quay head-offices in Port-of-Spain. There was a tense atmosphere at the HDC as scores of persons assembled in...
Posted On 09 Jul 2015
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UNC screening starts tomorrow

PRIME Minister and United National Congress (UNC) political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar is expected to preside over the party’s screening of candidates at Rienzi Complex, Couva headquarters tomorrow evening. The constituencies expected to be screened are Diego Martin North...
Posted On 09 Jul 2015
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A Dream Come True

Dear Editor, I would like to commend the Prime Minister and her government for having the leadership and vision for a better Trinidad and Tobago. The most eagerly awaited of those is the new Couva Children’s Hospital. In the words of the Prime Minister, it is “truly amazing...
Posted On 08 Jul 2015
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Protecting our future

Dear Editor, It takes someone with vision and love for country to pledge support for and bring to fruition some of the initiatives that directly benefits the citizenry in a most tangible way. It was with this vision that the “Children’s Life Fund” was set up...
Posted On 08 Jul 2015
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