Statement from Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on National Security

As I reported last night the government is in full control of the security situation following yesterday’s public disorder. I am overseeing national security operations and seeing this process through. During the past 24 hours the Agencies of the Ministry of National...
Posted On 25 Jul 2015
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Let us know about the candidate

The editor: There has to be some merit into the saying performance beats old talk every time. With the elections in full gear, I look forward to analyses of what have been done over the past decade by both parties, and what they are now bringing to the table. As with every...
Posted On 25 Jul 2015
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Statement by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Escaped Prisoners

STATEMENT OF PRIME MINISTER KAMLA PERSAD BISSESSAR AT THE NATIONAL OPERATIONS CENTRE As today’s events unfold I want to provide reassurance to the people of Trinidad and Tobago. The public disorder we have witnessed in Port of Spain is deplorable and those responsible will face...
Posted On 24 Jul 2015
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Kamla pulled us back from the brink

Dear Editor, Attempted suicide is a criminal act. Assisting someone to commit suicide, also. Based on its incontrovertible record, voting or encouraging anyone to vote PNM fall in the same bracket, therefore ought to be outlawed. If decisive action wasn’t taken in 2010,...
Posted On 23 Jul 2015
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Ramdial Celebrates Eid with Constituents

Minister of State in the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, the Honourable Ramona Ramdial hosted a grand Eid-ul-Fitr celebration on Tuesday. Members of each of the five Masjids from Couva North were invited to spend an evening of prayer with their former Member of...
Posted On 23 Jul 2015
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Vasant: Rapid Rail an unbelievable $60 billion, no plans by Rowley to pay for it

Thursday, July, 23, 2015 Good morning, and welcome to Super Quality supermarket. There are now 46 days until the general election, and in that election the people of Trinidad and Tobago will have a clear choice… … between Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar … the woman with a...
Posted On 23 Jul 2015
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National Enrichment Centre for Persons with Disabilities opens at Carlsen Field

Address by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar SC on the Occasion of the Opening of the National Enrichment Centre Carlsen Field on Tuesday July 21, 2015 Introduction It is my pleasure to join with you today in sharing this historic experience of commissioning the National...
Posted On 22 Jul 2015
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EID-UL-FITR 2015: Greetings from Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar

Assalam u Alaikum. On behalf of the people and Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, I extend warm greetings to our Muslim brothers and sisters on this most auspicious occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr. May Allah continue to shower you, your families and our nation, with...
Posted On 17 Jul 2015
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UNC Screening continues today

The United National Congress (UNC) continues its Screening process today to select candidates to contest the September 7th, 2015 General Election. Persons scheduled to face the Screening Committee today filed nominations for the following constituencies:- – Pointe-a-Pierre...
Posted On 17 Jul 2015
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Jack lied about “one dollar” salary

The Editor: I continue to be amazed at the continued guile and sleight of hand tactics used by Warner cunningly and craftily in an attempt to get himself out of a myriad of allegations of wrong doing. The latest being his explanation that he did not pay himself out of his...
Posted On 17 Jul 2015
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