200 get pipe borne water for first time

For the very first time, residents of Temple Village, Blanchisseusse Road, Arima, will receive pipeborne water in their homes. Minister of the Environment and Water Resources, Ganga Singh, yesterday commissioned the Verdant Vale Water Supply Project where over 200 villagers would...
Posted On 02 Sep 2015
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Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar Independence Day Message

Today, we celebrate the day on which Trinidad and Tobago gained its independence in 1962. All the people of Trinidad and Tobago – whether at home or abroad – can be very proud of our achievements, development and influence as an independent nation. We recall that day...
Posted On 31 Aug 2015
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Kamla’s Plan: Protecting Workers and Families from Global Economic Volatility

This morning, Dr. Bhoe Tewarie, Minister of Planning and Sustainable Development, and Mr. Larry Howai, Minister of Finance and Economy, met with reporters at the Radisson Hotel to discuss Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s plan to strengthen our economy, creating and...
Posted On 28 Aug 2015
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Planning and Sustainable Development Minister Bhoe Tewarie says private/public partnerships is one of the best ways to keep T&T’s development on track. Speaking at a UNC cottage meeting at Trinzuela College, San Fernando on Thursday night, Tewarie said the...
Posted On 28 Aug 2015
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Finance Minister Larry Howai says if there is a change in government, there will be a slowdown in the economy, which will lead to a recession. He was speaking at a cottage meeting held at Trinzuela College, Chacon Street, San Fernando on Thursday night. Throwing support for the...
Posted On 28 Aug 2015
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Kamla’s Plan: To get us home faster

25 August, 2015 This afternoon, Mrs. Kathy-Ann Francis, the Peoples Partnership candidate for Laventille East/Morvant met with reporters in front of Parkade Public Parking Complex to talk about the Prime Minister Mrs. Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s plan to alleviate traffic problems...
Posted On 25 Aug 2015
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Keith Rowley’s $60 Billion Dollar Vanity Railroad

25 August, 2015 This morning, UNC Campaign Manager and Candidate for Naparima, Rodney Charles, met with reporters at the Queen’s Park Savanah, to talk about the cuts Keith Rowley will make to implement his vanity railroad project. “Keith Rowley has doubled down on building his...
Posted On 25 Aug 2015
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25 August, 2015 In her quest to provide real representation to the people of San Fernando West, UNC candidate Raziah Ahmed met with residents of La Romaine on Monday. Among the problems listed were poor drainage, flooding and crime. Ahmed, who held a cottage meeting at Bamboo...
Posted On 25 Aug 2015
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Rowley disappoints again – an hour long talk and no plan

24 August, 2015 Tonight, Keith Rowley spoke with a reporter at length and failed once again to put forward any plan for Trinidad and Tobago in the next five years. Instead of using the opportunity to tell us what he would do as Prime Minister, Mr Rowley spent an hour talking...
Posted On 25 Aug 2015
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Be careful of PNM trickery

Dear Editor: I listened attentively to the PNMs manifesto launch to see what goodies they will offer me if they were to win the elections on September 7th. To be honest, these goodies are what always raise my hopes and expectations. The one that stood out to me the most was the...
Posted On 21 Aug 2015
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