“I am deeply saddened to learn of the death of former parliamentarian and senior cabinet minister Mr. Errol Mahabir, who passed away peacefully on Saturday evening,” Mrs. Kamla Persad-Bissessar said Sunday in a media release. “He was an outstanding political icon who will be...
Posted On 21 Sep 2015
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UNC Wins Round ONE

The United National Congress was today granted leave to file 6 election petitions to challenge the validity of the election process in 6 critical constituencies namely: ·        La Horquetta/Talparo ·        Tunapuna ·        St. Joseph ·        Toco/Sangre Grande ·        San...
Posted On 18 Sep 2015
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Office of the Member of Parliament for Naparima Vandalised

During the night of Wednesday, 16th September, 2015 the office of the Member of Parliament for Naparima, located at Cedar Hill on Manahambre Road was vandalised. A report was, the very next morning, made to the Princes Town Police Station and the office of the Parliament of...
Posted On 18 Sep 2015
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United National Congress Youth Arm supports Kamla Persad Bissessar

The Membership of the United National Congress Youth Arm stands firmly in support of Honourable Kamla Persad Bissessar as leader of the United National Congress and Opposition Leader. The Leadership of Kamla Persad Bissessar over the past five years have been very inspirational...
Posted On 14 Sep 2015
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Message from Kamla Persad-Bissessar S.C. MP

My dear friends, Democracy truly is a precious thing and the result of an election is an expression of the will of the people. All persons who are elected should take those responsibilities very seriously indeed and I congratulate the hundreds of thousands of you who exercised...
Posted On 13 Sep 2015
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UNC will scrutinize Rowley’s government every move

The United National Congress (UNC) has taken note of a decision by Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley to follow a model of governance established by our party in appointing to the Senate and the Cabinet members who were unsuccessful in the polls in the general election. Following...
Posted On 12 Sep 2015
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UNC stays with Kamla as leader

TWO days after losing Monday’s general election, former prime minister Kamla Persad- Bissessar yesterday officially congratulated new Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley and the incoming People’s National Movement (PNM). Her congratulations to Rowley, who is also PNM political leader...
Posted On 10 Sep 2015
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People’s Partnership Challenges Election Results

People’s Partnership to File Election Petitions to Declare Elections Held on September 7, 2015 Null and Void A decision has been taken to challenge the results of the General Election based on legal advice the People’s Partnership has received. The challenge is based on the...
Posted On 09 Sep 2015
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Health Minister turns sod for new dialysis centre

Health Minister Dr Fuad Khan says the construction of a new dialysis centre at the Mt Hope Hospital, through a public-private partnership will save patients from having to go to private institutions and incur exorbitant medical bills. The agreement between government and...
Posted On 04 Sep 2015
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No wait for CT Scans

HEALTH Minister Dr Fuad Khan yesterday said the waiting time for CT Scans will now be “almost non-existent” and the delay to get a scan will be “very minimal” following the launch of a Nuclear Medicine Centre at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex at Mount Hope. Dr Khan...
Posted On 04 Sep 2015
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