Youth Arm questions sincerity of calls for political leader Kamla Persad Bissessar to stand down

In the past few days the statements issued by Kevin Ramnarine , Collin Partap and more recently Larry Lalla calling on Political Leader Kamla Persad Bissessar to stand down and not seek re-election have proven that the Incumbent Political Leader still has the popular support of...
Posted On 29 Oct 2015
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Youth Arm Chairman Responds to Dr. Khan – endorses Kamla for Leadership

One of the greatest principles which the United National Congress has always practiced and upheld is that of democracy. As a Political Party we have set the standard with our “one man one vote system” which not only gives each member the power to elect their...
Posted On 27 Oct 2015
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It has come to my attention by members of the agricultural community that the Livestock and Livestock Products Board, a Statutory Body under the purview of the Ministry of Agriculture, Lands and Fisheries has been closed with immediate effect. I wish to highlight the hypocrisy of...
Posted On 24 Oct 2015
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Government Silence on Tobago Murders Highly Unacceptable

The recent double murder in Tobago of British national, Richard Wheeler and his wife Grace has yet again brought our sister island negative international attention because of crime. The UK has updated its travel advisory to reflect this latest killing and international media...
Posted On 22 Oct 2015
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UNC Internal Elections – Saturday December 5th, 2015

The National Executive of the United National Congress (UNC) at its meeting held today at the Rienzi Complex decided that the Party’s Internal Elections will be held on Saturday December 5th, 2015. Voting will take place between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. at venues to...
Posted On 21 Oct 2015
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Resurgence of the H1N1 Virus in Southern Asia

Recently, there has been a resurgence of the H1N1 virus, commonly referred to as Swine Flu, in India and other parts of Asia, which in the past month, has infected thousands and is suspected to have caused the deaths of dozens of persons in that region. While the virus has not...
Posted On 21 Oct 2015
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Ameen: Budget blanks women, youngsters

THE Budget does not once mention the word “gender” and ignores young people, complained Opposition Senator Khadijah Ameen, in her Budget speech yesterday in the Senate. She said the Budget has sowed fear and doubt in the minds of citizens, as she pointed to the promised...
Posted On 21 Oct 2015
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Accusations Made by Public Utilities Minister Untrue and Unfounded

The Minister of Public Utilities, Ancil Antoine has used his parliamentary privileges as a cloak to assert untrue and unfounded aspersions with regards to my former Ministerial portfolio and the operations of WASA. The allegation of my interference in the work of a contractor...
Posted On 14 Oct 2015
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UNC Youth Arm to Finance Minister, Prove it WAS NOT YOU!

The Youth Arm of the United National Congress is calling on the Honorable Minister of Finance, Colm Imbert MP, to produce the evidence that his facebook account was indeed ‘hacked’ on Saturday 10th October 2015. In what has now become a public matte for concern, the ‘Honorable’...
Posted On 13 Oct 2015
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UNC responds to unfair, distasteful and prejudicial attack by AG Faris Al-Rawi

The UNC wishes to categorically condemn the unfair, distasteful and prejudicial attack by AG Faris Al-Rawi and his junior Minister Stuart Young against the legal profession during their budget contribution today. In rattling off legal fees paid to attorneys under the previous...
Posted On 12 Oct 2015
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