The State vs Malcolm Jones: PM Rowley and his Gov’t economical with truth and facts

By Capil Bissoon Just over a week ago, Petrotrin issued a Media Release advising that its current chairman Professor Andrew Jupiter did not participate in the decision to have the case of its former Executive Chairman, Malcolm Jones, withdrawn “as he was not present during the...
Posted On 30 Mar 2016
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No over arching philosophy guiding our foreign policy

After more than six months in office this government has no discernible over aching philosophy which informs our foreign policy. Our foreign missions are on auto pilot. Most are run by junior foreign service officers many of whom are 3 year contract International Relations...
Posted On 30 Mar 2016
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UNC Chairman Lee extends greetings on Spiritual Shouter Baptist Liberation Day

As Chairman of the United National Congress and Member of Parliament for Pointe a Pierre I would like to Sincerely wish each and every member of the Spiritual Shouter Baptist Community a Happy Liberation Day. Today is a significant day for the members of the Shouter Baptist...
Posted On 30 Mar 2016
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UNC Chairman Lee – “Is completion of Tarouba Stadium more priority than education, safety and well-being of citizens?”

As Chairman of the United National Congress it is my view that the recent statements of support made by the Minister of Trade and Industry Paula Gopee Scoon on the completion of the Tarouba Stadium as opposed to the completion of schools and other public institutions are ironic,...
Posted On 29 Mar 2016
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition On the occasion of Spiritual Shouter Baptist Liberation Day

The observance of Spiritual Shouter Baptist Liberation Day stands as one of the most colourful and inspiring reminders of the powerful force unity creates when we stand, work and struggle together in the face of all odds. Today we are just short of a century since the Shouters...
Posted On 29 Mar 2016
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Message to the citizens of Trinidad & Tobago on the occasion of Phagwa / Holi from the Leader of the Opposition

The splendour of our nation’s rich heritage and traditions form a remarkable tapestry that is a testament to our nation’s strong and proud diversity. This tapestry holds a special and prominent place for Phagwa (Holi) celebrations in Trinidad and Tobago. Hindus celebrate Holi as...
Posted On 25 Mar 2016
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Message to the citizens of Trinidad & Tobago on the occasion of Easter from the Leader of the Opposition

Christians around the world will celebrate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ this weekend, and with those celebrations will come a renewal of hope, love and harmony. Ethnic harmony, cultural diversity and religious unity define the peace we enjoy today, and the path we...
Posted On 25 Mar 2016
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UNC Women: What are Gov’t Plans for Gender Violence?

The Women’s Arm of the United Congress is deeply concerned by the continued disregard for women in Trinidad and Tobago, demonstrated through patterns of disrespect, abuse and violence. The recent case of the dismembered body of an Embacadere mother is a ghastly reminder of...
Posted On 23 Mar 2016
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Opposition Leader Persad-Bissessar condemns Brussels attacks

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Tuesday condemned today’s attacks on transit hubs in Brussels, calling them “cowardly attacks on Europe and the free world”. The coordinated attacks took place at the departure lounge of Brussels International airport and a metro...
Posted On 22 Mar 2016
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UNC Chairman Lee stands with Opposition Leader Kamla Persad Bissessar

As Chairman of the United National Congress, it is my view that former Minister of Housing Marlene McDonald has perspicuously violated and transgressed the Parliamentary Hiring Regulations through the reported employment of her Common-law Husband. The hiring regulations of the...
Posted On 21 Mar 2016
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