
Kamla to Rowley: what’s the deal with Sandals?

Gail Alexander’s article “Clico Battle for No Man’s Land” in the Sunday Guardian (24 July 2016) raised many questions about the proposed Sandals development in Tobago, including the legality of using the piece of Tobago real estate, No Man’s Land, as the site for the tourism...
Posted On 31 Jul 2016
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Tewarie: Government shouldn’t blackmail Cane Farmers

I am happy to learn that the Government has agreed to pay out the EU money collected by Government some time ago to Cane Farmers. I wrote the Minister of Planning and Development 3 weeks ago asking that she indicate the date of disbursement for farmers. She has not yet replied...
Posted On 30 Jul 2016
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MP Lee invites you to walk against Crime

As Member of Parliament for Pointe a Pierre together with the Women’s Arm of my Constituency I will be hosting a Walk against Crime on Saturday 30th July 2016 from 8:30 am to 11:00am. I invite you all to join me as we walk from the Macaulay Recreation Ground to the Claxton...
Posted On 29 Jul 2016
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Emancipation Day greetings from UNC Women’s Arm

“Let freedom reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement” – Nelson Mandela. In 1833 Thomas Buxton presented the Emancipation Bill in British Parliament, and on August 1st 1834 the Act was passed and British West Indian slaves were granted freedom. On August 1st...
Posted On 29 Jul 2016
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Padarath: Timing of Rowley’s vacation is insulting to citizens

PRINCES TOWN MP Barry Padarath slammed Prime Minister Keith Rowley for going on vacation just short of one year of coming into office. Padarath stated that while he understood that the office holder was entitled to taking vacations, he felt that the timing was all wrong and...
Posted On 29 Jul 2016
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Charles: Government too incompetent

Unable to develop plans to take us forward our Government appears at sea differentiating critical issues from frivolous pursuits. Our CARICOM neighbours have been lobbying for regional action to be taken to ensure that our banks do not suffer the consequences of de-risking. Our...
Posted On 29 Jul 2016
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A Government for YOU(TH)

The Naparima Youth Arm questions if the Rowley led Government is for YOU(th). Whereas when Mrs. Kamla Persad Bissessar led Government, everywhere you looked you would have seen numerous projects being undertaken for the development of youth in Trinidad and Tobago, such as...
Posted On 20 Jul 2016
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GATE Review- another indication of a Government without a plan

Trinidad and Tobago is on the brink of feeling the full impact of being led by a Government without a plan. When the Government announced a GATE task force, the mandate included a review of the programme’s policy guidelines, towards reducing the overall cost of funding and to set...
Posted On 19 Jul 2016
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Moonilal: The Rowley-led gov’t continues its rampage of undermining independent institutions

“The Rowley-led gov’t continues its rampage of undermining the independent institutions of state in T&T; does not have the right to disband the SASC simply because it does not agree with its actions… nothing is truly independent under the oppressive and dictatorial Rowley...
Posted On 18 Jul 2016
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Kamla calls on Government to reject recommendations by GATE task force

I am deeply concerned by the recommendations presented to the Government of Trinidad and Tobago by a special task force set up by the Keith Rowley administration to review the Government Assistance for Tuition Expenses (GATE) programme. The report suggests that students enrolled...
Posted On 18 Jul 2016
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