Trinidad and Tobago has lost a national treasure with the death of Makandal Daaga, former Prime Minister and Political Leader of the UNC and People’s Partnership, Kamla Persad-Bissessar said Monday. The statement comes following the sad news of Daaga’s passing. Daaga was the...
Posted On 08 Aug 2016
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Padarath Congratulates Police, Situation in Piparo, Princes Town Frightening

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath congratulated the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service for their hard work and diligence in the seizure of 6,800 rounds of ammunition in Piparo, Princes Town. Padarath said that there has been a growing number of gun violence in the Princes Town...
Posted On 07 Aug 2016
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Christine calls on Agriculture Minister to pay workers their wages

It is with much concern that I seek the media’s attention in exposing the plight of persons employed with the Reforestation Programme which falls under the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries in receiving their salaries. For the past three (3) fortnights, close to 100...
Posted On 07 Aug 2016
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Princes Town MP Barry Padarath wishes the Trinidad and Tobago Olympic team best wishes and good luck on behalf of the opposition through a Press release. He said that the athletes carried the hopes and dreams of a nation who has found itself in stagnation and despair. Padarath...
Posted On 05 Aug 2016
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As the national Olympic Team gets set to compete in this year’s Games in Rio, I offer my best wishes to all our athletes. Trinidad and Tobago won one Gold and three Bronze medals in London in 2012 and placed 47 out of 79 in the standings in the Games. That was a remarkable...
Posted On 05 Aug 2016
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Address by the Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar at the opening of New UNC Headquarters

Greetings and Acknowledgements Thank you so much for joining us on this historic occasion as we continue to grow as a strong national political force that remains true to our founding principles and ready to take on the challenges of the 21st century and beyond. I have always...
Posted On 04 Aug 2016
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Padarath: Gate Changes Will Result in High Dropout Rate Among Youth and Closure of Private Institutions

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath in a press release criticized the move by government to make changes to the GATE Program. Padarath said that the announcement made by the government will see two things happening in the tertiary education sector. First he expects that there will be...
Posted On 03 Aug 2016
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MP Rodney Charles calls on PM Rowley to state Government’s plan for returning Jihadist

MP for Naparima Rodney Charles is calling on Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley to immediately suspend his vacation and state clearly T&T’s policy regarding the close monitoring of home-grown jihadists intent on fighting alongside ISIS. And he must also state what action...
Posted On 02 Aug 2016
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Emancipation Day Message from the Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar

Emancipation Day 2016 comes at a time when our individual and collective freedoms must be redefined, given the direction to which our nation has turned. It must be redefined by a renewed commitment from those who govern to ensure that freedoms are not only assured, but robustly...
Posted On 31 Jul 2016
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Government Continues to Fail at Fighting Crime

I am totally convinced at this time that government is continuously failing at fighting crime in Trinidad and Tobago as the murder rate has climbed to 262 for the year thus far. This weekend is the second recorded bloody weekend in recent time with 5 murders in 13 hours following...
Posted On 31 Jul 2016
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