
Kamla: Dr Rowley Must Come Clean on Confidentiality Breach

Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley must tell the nation what he knows about a breach of confidentiality in communication between his office and that of the President of the Republic. Dr. Rowley must waste no time in advising a concerned populace about how details of classified...
Posted On 28 Sep 2016
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MP Dr. Tim Gopeesingh calls on PM Rowley to fire Education minister Anthony Garcia

Minister of Education Mr. Anthony Garcia has once more proven that he is not a man to his word when it comes to the future of the country’s students. Several schools across the nation are in a serious state of disrepair to the point that they are not fit for occupation by...
Posted On 28 Sep 2016
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Charles calls on Minister of Education to complete Reform Hindu School and nearby Early Childhood Centre

MP for Naparima Rodney Charles is calling on the Ministry of Education to pay the contractor outstanding monies owed for work already done so that the new, 85 percent complete, Reform Hindu School can be completed to accommodate the 150 pupils now housed in dilapidated conditions...
Posted On 28 Sep 2016
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Moonilal: T&T has returned to the frightening insecurity of the pre-2010 period

It is now almost one week since the abduction of Ms. Ria Sookdeo and while police investigators have been working diligently on the matter, there has been no meaningful breakthrough. I urge law enforcement officers to redouble their efforts to resolve this serious crime. I feel...
Posted On 27 Sep 2016
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Kamla: “Rowley’s hour long ramble was ill-conceived and regrettable”

The hour-long ramble on FATCA by Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley today was both ill-conceived and regrettable. Dr. Rowley summoned the press and commandeered the State media for a garrulous address in which he did not present any new ideas and, instead, grossly misrepresented the...
Posted On 27 Sep 2016
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Leader of the Opposition the Hon Kamla Persad-Bissessar Republic Day Message

Forty years ago Trinidad and Tobago took a giant step forward to consolidate its independence from Great Britain when it inaugurated its Republican Constitution and Sir Ellis Clarke changed official titles from being the last Governor General of our country to become our first...
Posted On 23 Sep 2016
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Kamla: Let’s pass good laws together

THE OPPOSITION wishes to reaffirm its commitment to passage of the Tax Information Exchange Bill, 2016 to meet the September 30, 2016 deadline. We are concerned about several provisions in the Bill which:   are not required under the Inter- Governmental Agreement with the US...
Posted On 23 Sep 2016
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Moonilal slams “incompetent and clueless” PNM Government

I wish to express my deep concern over the kidnapping of Ria Sookdeo, a law-abiding family person and mother of two infant children. I have spoken to her husband, Mark, and extended those concerns and assured him of my prayers and support. I urge the law enforcement authorities...
Posted On 23 Sep 2016
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Indarsingh condemns PM Rowley threats to workers

The United National Congress Member of Parliament for Couva South condemns the arrogant and outlandish statement of Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley that the wage settlement which were undertaken on behalf of Public Servants and Law Enforcement Officers will lead to massive job...
Posted On 22 Sep 2016
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Kamla: The Prime Minister is playing games with FATCA legislation

We have nothing to hide. Twelve days ago I proposed that a Joint Select Committee be established but, the government has been politicking ever since. Let’s get this done. At the next Parliamentary sitting on Friday let’s establish a JSC to review the Bill. We will...
Posted On 21 Sep 2016
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