

Long ago, during the days of sugar, when the sun would still rise over the sugarcane fields, the Indian elders, like my grandparents in Rio Claro, used to talk about the people in the village “whose hand didn’t have “barrakat”. Barrakat, I learnt, was an Urdu word used to...
Posted On 11 Jun 2023
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Corpus Christi

As members of our Christian community observe the holy celebration of Corpus Christi, I extend warm wishes for a peaceful, prayerful and most importantly a reflective day on the mercies of God in our everyday lives. The blessed feast of Corpus Christi celebrates the body of Jesus...
Posted On 08 Jun 2023
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Opposition Leader expresses concern over political interference in TTPS

Months after the public disclosure of the illegal abduction of Brent Thomas from Barbados, the TTPS has not provided a written preliminary report to the country. This failure strikes at the root of the integrity of the organization and severely diminishes public confidence that...
Posted On 03 Jun 2023
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UNC Women’s Arm demands apology from Senator Sagramsingh-Sooklal

The UNC Women’s Arm, a consistent advocate for gender equality and women’s empowerment, staunchly denounces the recent abhorrent remarks made by Government Senator Renuka Sagramsingh-Sooklal during the Senate proceedings on Tuesday 31 May 2023. This deplorable...
Posted On 01 Jun 2023
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Opposition Leader: Independent international observers are needed for Local Government elections

Keith Rowley’s refusal to invite international election observers to examine the upcoming Local Government elections is indicative of a dictatorial oppressor who is afraid of facing the electorate. The fact is that most people in Trinidad and Tobago do not trust this Rowley...
Posted On 01 Jun 2023
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Opposition Leader: Rowley’s refusal of election observers a slap in the face of citizens

Today I read with disappointment a news report that said “Rowley blanks Kamla’s call” for election observers for the upcoming local government elections. I want to correct Rowley, he didn’t “blank” me, he blanked the people of Trinidad and Tobago. Just as he disrespected...
Posted On 31 May 2023
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on Indian Arrival Day

I join with the national community in commemorating Indian Arrival Day, an occasion that celebrates and honours the rich heritage and contributions of the East Indian community to our beloved nation. Indian Arrival Day serves as a powerful reminder of the struggles, sacrifices,...
Posted On 30 May 2023
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TANCOO: Government must stop its negligence of Mosquito Creek

At today’s sitting of the House of Representatives (Monday May 29, 2023), the MP for Oropouche West, Dave Tancoo posed an Urgent Question to the Minister of Works and Transport as follows: “With regard to a recent report in circulation depicting approximately 750′(ft)...
Posted On 29 May 2023
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MP Khadijah Ameen calls for flood prevention

Member of Parliament for St. Augustine Ms. Khadijah Ameen is calling on the Ministry of Works and Transport to protect residents of St. Augustine and neighboring communities from severe flooding. The meteorological office has announced the start of the rainy season. To date the...
Posted On 29 May 2023
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OPPOSITION LEADER: Rowley unable to address pressing issues affecting our country

Rowley is clearly unable to address the pressing issues affecting our country. At no time last night did he stand his ground to confront the problems terrorizing citizens. The UNC has offered our anti-crime plans, our economic transformation plans, healthcare plans, education...
Posted On 26 May 2023
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