Padarath: Rowley’s Race Talk is an Attempt to Distract From National Woes

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath slammed Prime Minister Keith Rowley for introducing race talks into the national community as it relates to the issues raised about the safety and structural integrity of the Brian Lara Stadium in Tarouba. Dr. Rowley made the comments about...
Posted On 18 May 2017
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Highlight of UNC Political Leader Speech at the MNF May 15, 2017

Leader of the Opposition and Political Leader of the United National Congress Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP is calling on citizens to take a stand against the Government’s move to implement the Property Tax. Speaking at the UNC’s Monday Night Forum in Tunapuna on 15th May, 2017,...
Posted On 17 May 2017
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Tewarie: Preysal Government School being Neglected by Government

The Member of Parliament for Caroni Central, Dr Bhoe Tewarie, condemns in the strongest manner the insensitivity and lack of responsiveness of the Minister of Education to the formidable challenges of students, parents and teachers at the Preysal Government School. The sewer...
Posted On 17 May 2017
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Charles: Trinidad and Tobago becoming a failed state

Government’s mid-year review of the economy revealed two important lessons that under this PNM Trinidad and Tobago is slowly but surely becoming a failed state. Additionally, the PNM has no plan to change this trajectory. The mid-year review provided Finance Minister Colm Imbert...
Posted On 16 May 2017
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Against Excessive Taxation

by Kevin Ramnarine In 1977, Margaret Thatcher (not yet PM of Britain), speaking at the University of Zurich called for a “revolt against excessive taxation”. Excessive taxation had stagnated Britain in the 1970’s. In 1979 when she became Prime Minister she reinvented the British...
Posted On 16 May 2017
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Moonilal condemns heartless demolition of homes

The cruel destruction of 15 family homes at Pine Avenue, Valencia is another arbitrary and callous act of the uncaring Rowley regime. Prime Minister Rowley and Housing Minister Randall Mitchell must tell the nation what legal processes were used in the heartless demolition of the...
Posted On 16 May 2017
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UNC Chairman: Guardian Story a red Herring to distract from PNM failure

As Chairman of the United National Congress I find it quite erroneous that reports have been focusing on baseless theories of the Opposition not being able to inspire confidence while the Government continues to suppress the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago. The question must be...
Posted On 14 May 2017
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Padarath: Stadium Opening Flopped

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath has described yesterday’s opening of the Brian Lara Stadium in Tarouba as a flop. He said by all accounts including several media reports the facility which boasts about a fifteen thousand person capacity had less than twenty five hundred...
Posted On 13 May 2017
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Happy Mother’s Day from Leader of the Opposition hhe Hon Kamla Persad-Bissessar

This Sunday, across Trinidad and Tobago and in many other countries, we will honour and celebrate our mothers, showing our appreciation for their unconditional love and care. At this time, we pause to recognize their important role in our society, especially with regard to...
Posted On 13 May 2017
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No ICC Clearance for Tarouba Stadium

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath questioned Sport Minister Daryl Smith today in the Parliament about whether the Brian Lara Stadium had accreditation and clearance from the International Cricket Council in light of the stadium’s opening tomorrow. Smith admitted in the...
Posted On 11 May 2017
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