Indarsingh: The labour movement have nothing to celebrate after 21 months of Rowley led-Government

Couva South MP Rudranath Indarsingh, the Opposition’s Labour and Enterprise Development Critic remains steadfast in his conviction that workers and the labour movement have absolutely nothing to celebrate on Labour Day after 21-months of the Keith Rowley led-Government....
Posted On 17 Jun 2017
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After 21 months PNM lays unchanged PP Gas Master Plan in Parliament

After 21 months of review and work by yet another committee, the PNM has decided to lay the September 2015 Gas Master Plan (GMP) in Parliament. Over the last 21 months we were told on numerous occasions that it was being reviewed. On October 6th 2015, former Minister of Energy...
Posted On 16 Jun 2017
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Excerpts of the Feature Address by Political Leader of the UNC the Hon Kamla Persad-Bissessar

INTRODUCTION We must remember where we came from, it is the only way that we can anchor where we are going.  Today, after 20 months, we can ask the Rowley Government to show us one initiative, one development that we can touch, and see, and feel, and benefit from. The one thing...
Posted On 14 Jun 2017
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Moonilal calls on Rowley to state if government provided any inducements to top TTDF Officials

Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley must state whether his Government provided any inducements to the most senior officers of the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force in the midst of an investigation into “Armygate.” “Armygate” pertains to the photographed evidence of the children of...
Posted On 13 Jun 2017
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TTNGL the Sequel

By Kevin Ramnarine In 2013, Conoco Phillips informed the Government of T&T they were selling their 39% stake in Phoenix Park Gas Processors Limited (PPGPL). The reason – restructuring aimed at an increased focus on their upstream business. Their departure, on the...
Posted On 12 Jun 2017
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Opposition Leader responds to the Court of Appeal Ruling clarifying the submission of the VRF

We welcome the Orders made by the Court of Appeal directing the Commissioner of Valuations to clarify that the demand by the Government for citizens to submit the Valuation Return Form (“VRF”) and supporting documents is purely voluntary. This means that citizens are not under...
Posted On 07 Jun 2017
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Dr Gopeesingh call for the rest of EFCL Board to resign

The remaining members of the Board of Directors must immediately follow Chairman Arnold Piggott and resign from Education Facilities Company Limited (EFCL). Mr Piggott’s resignation has come in the wake of serious allegations of corruption, bid rigging, abuse of office, squander...
Posted On 03 Jun 2017
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UNC Chairman – MP Hinds being untruthful to mask his incompetence

As Chairman of the United National Congress I would like to strongly refute the claims of the nation’s worst Minister of Public Utilities MP Fitzgerald Hinds that the protest action undertaken by Morvant residents was influenced by UNC activists or any element of the...
Posted On 01 Jun 2017
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The Leader of the Opposition, Kamla Persad-Bissessar congratulates BPTT on the announcement of its success in its two exploration wells Savannah and Macadamia. This success by BP vindicates the decision by the former PP administration to introduce a wide-ranging package of fiscal...
Posted On 31 May 2017
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Speaking Notes of the Hon. Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC at this afternoon’s media briefing

The legal maneuver by the government to let the stay which was previously granted by the court until today May 31st today backfired. Justice Frank Seepersad today instead granted an interim injunction against the Commissioner of Valuations as follows: “(i) An interim injunction...
Posted On 31 May 2017
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