By Kevin Ramnarine For the last two decades, the Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) economy can best be described as a “gas based economy”. When natural gas production grows, it’s likely that our economy will also grow. We produce a lot of natural gas in comparison to our oil...
Posted On 20 Dec 2017
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Kamla: Emailgate police probe outcome shows that Dr. Keith Rowley is unfit to lead this country

Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, says the outcome of the police probe into allegations brought by Dr. Keith Rowley in 2013 proves that he is unfit to lead Trinidad and Tobago. Mrs. Persad-Bissessar issued the following statement: Since these allegations...
Posted On 19 Dec 2017
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UNC: Rowley must be held accountable

The United National Congress says Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley must be held accountable for his irresponsible actions, involving allegations he made in Parliament four years ago, in which police have found “nothing of substance. Public Relations Officer for the UNC Anita...
Posted On 19 Dec 2017
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Christmas comes early for Ragbir family

On December 9 2017, at around 6 pm tragedy struck for the Ragbir family of Wellington road , Debe. A family of eight, including four children. A private car driven by someone under the influence of alcohol crashed into their small dwelling home and completely destroyed the brick...
Posted On 18 Dec 2017
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A State of Abject Failure

  We have found ourselves in a manufactured recession and the worst state of depraved living condition this country has ever experienced. The government’s failure to create and implement proper expansionary policies to stimulate the economy, has caused a ripple effect...
Posted On 18 Dec 2017
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UNC Swears in New NATEX

The new United National Congress (UNC) National Executive (NATEX) headed by Political Leader Mrs Kamla Persad- Bissessar was sworn in yesterday at the Party’s MNF last night. The Party looks forward to work that would be done by the new NATEX to improve the UNC, as we prepare for...
Posted On 13 Dec 2017
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Opposition Chief Whip – ” I made no agreement with Rowley”

All Members of the Opposition are in full support of the Leader of the Opposition Honourable Kamla Persad Bissessar’s decision to vote against the draconian Anti Gang legislation which was debated in Parliament on Wednesday. At no point in time during the debate did I as...
Posted On 09 Dec 2017
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The Opposition refused to be bullied into supporting legislation that could be open to abuse

It is clear, that in the absence of any ideas or plan to deal with crime, the Prime Minister is continuing his usual tactic of passing blame and deflecting from the real issue. The Prime Minister is currently facing the highest murder rate in 10 years and is seeking an exit by...
Posted On 08 Dec 2017
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UNC Calls for the Removal of Senator Lester Henry

The United National Congress is calling for the immediate removal of PNM Senator Lester Henry in the wake of his recent drunk driving charge. Trinidad and Tobago is a nation in crisis and the problem starts with the current PNM leadership. This is the second set of legal problems...
Posted On 04 Dec 2017
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Ramdial Calls For Mobile Patrols Following Chandanagore Shooting

Ashram Ramnath, 32, of Chandanagore Old Road was shot and killed at 3:00AM this morning by two men in an attempted robbery at his home. Initial reports from police say Ashram put up a fight with the bandits which resulted in him being shot in the chest. Couva North Member of...
Posted On 01 Dec 2017
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