Charles: How can we aspire to first world status under this clueless inept Rowley version of the PNM?

According to the principles of ministerial responsibility in the Westminster system of governance which we have inherited “it is a constitutional convention that Cabinet Ministers bear the ultimate responsibility for the actions of their ministries”. Even if a minister is unaware...
Posted On 06 Apr 2018
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Padarath: Rowley Gets Best Dancer Award, While T&T Burns

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath said he was appalled at the responses given by Prime Minister Keith Rowley to several burning national issues raised at the post cabinet press briefing yesterday by reporters. Rowley, who was in the sister isle during the Easter holidays, appeared...
Posted On 06 Apr 2018
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Charles: Dr Rowley choose distraction over decisive action

Once again Dr Rowley has attempted to mask his incompetence, ineptitude and inability to make the required hard decision to fire his friend Dennis Moses by diverting attention to a non-issue involving Marine Le Pen. At today’s Post Cabinet meeting Dr Rowley, noted for missing...
Posted On 05 Apr 2018
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MP Lee – Are our Energy Assets under threat?

In my capacity as Member of Parliament for Pointe a Pierre I am calling on Government to inform the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago if our Energy assets are under threat from a possible terror attack by a local terrorist cell operated by ISIS as reported in a publication by...
Posted On 03 Apr 2018
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Charles: Dr Rowley why no action on Minister Moses?

Naparima MP is calling on Dr Rowley to act expeditiously with Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs, Dennis Moses. Either Dr Rowley keeps him as Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs and give reasons for so doing; or he does the right thing and fire him immediately for...
Posted On 03 Apr 2018
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Padarath: Camille “Brakesin”, Says You Can Run But You Cannot Hide

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath has slammed Leader of Government business Camille Robinson Regis response to allegations leveled against Sport Minister Darryl Smith, as it relates to the payout of $150,000.00 on the grounds of wrongful dismissal of his former personal secretary...
Posted On 03 Apr 2018
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition In Celebration of Hanuman Jayanti

Today, I join Hindus in Trinidad and Tobago, in India and the rest of the world, in celebrating Hanuman Jayanti, the birth anniversary of Lord Hanuman, the son of the wind God, Pawan, a celestial being who possesses supernatural strength. Hanuman Jayanti involves prayers and the...
Posted On 31 Mar 2018
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Padarath: Whistleblower confirms Darryl Smith involvement in “sex suit”, Rowley Must Act, Darryl must go

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath says that he has taken note of Former Communications Manager at the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs. Shabaka Kambon’s confirmation that the allegations of wrongful dismissal settled with tax payers’ money, was indeed brought against the...
Posted On 31 Mar 2018
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Easter

The occasion of Easter is a significant one on the Christian calendar, one which holds messages of hope, rebirth and renewal. Following the Lenten period, a time of reflection, fasting and prayer, Holy Week marks the death and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. As I join...
Posted On 31 Mar 2018
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Opposition Leader’s Message on the occasion of Spiritual Shouter Baptist Liberation Day

As I join with the national community in commemorating Spiritual Shouter Baptist Liberation Day, I am reminded of the important lessons we can all learn from this community – of the power of faith, unity and determination in overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds. We honour the...
Posted On 29 Mar 2018
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