
Failing grade for Dr Rowley’s trip to CHOGM – high on PR, low on substantive results

Dr Rowley’s ten day visit to London was high on public relations and lacking in substantial achievements. By contrast the Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness, immediately prior to CHOGM, met in Brussels with President of the European Council, Donald Tusk. No doubt...
Posted On 24 Apr 2018
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Indarsingh concern as more workers face the breadline

Member of Parliament for Couva South Rudranath Indarsingh is reacting angrily today over reports that some 257 employees of Tubecity IMS Trinidad Limited are being sent on the breadline. Indarsingh said the pending liquidation of Tubecity is a direct result of the Keith...
Posted On 21 Apr 2018
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UNC: The AG’s latest political “pappy show” undermines rule of law and separation of powers

The Government’s move to refer the Cambridge Analytica matter to National Security JSC is nothing more than a political witch hunt, and the United National Congress will not subject itself to the Attorney General’s political “pappy show”. The UNC issued a statement today, noting...
Posted On 20 Apr 2018
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Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath slammed Education Minister Anthony Garcia once again for refusing to build the Princes Town Presbyterian No. 1 Primary School. Padarath said that Garcia is practicing politics of spite and discrimination against the children and people of Princes...
Posted On 18 Apr 2018
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Dr Rowley as usual a no show at yesterday’s CARICOM Prime Ministers’ meeting with Theresa May

Acknowledging Jamaica’s de facto leadership role in CARICOM, British Prime Minister Theresa May yesterday held one on one discussions with Jamaica’s Prime Minister Andrew Holness hours before meeting the remaining CARICOM Prime Ministers to discuss a range of issues...
Posted On 18 Apr 2018
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Moonilal says under the Rowley-led PNM Administration, it’s “Castles before Schools”

As the new school term begins Oropouche East MP Dr. Roodal Moonilal is pleading with Education Minister Anthony Garcia to act swiftly to open the Ramai trace hindu school in the constituency of Oropouche East. This school was 90% completed in 2015 when the People’s...
Posted On 18 Apr 2018
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Charles: Dr Rowley’s CHOGM itinerary pales by comparison with his Jamaican counterpart

Dr Rowley is now in London to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting which lasts from 16th to 18th April. Once again Foreign and CARICOM Affairs Minister Dennis Moses has let down his close friend Dr Rowley and by extension all of T&T and this is evident by...
Posted On 17 Apr 2018
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Kamla: National Security Minister Edmund Dillon must go

  Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, is calling for the dismissal of National Security Minister Edmund Dillon, in the wake of media reports aired on Wednesday 11th April, 2018. Below is a statement issued by the Opposition Leader today: Another day,...
Posted On 12 Apr 2018
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UNC: Is PNM seeking to create a space for political mischief with Anti-Gang amendments?

The United National Congress wishes to express its grave concern over what can only be described as a devious move by the Government to sneak in a provision to either sabotage the legislation or to create a space for political mischief. In the best interest of the people of...
Posted On 11 Apr 2018
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Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath indicated that he is bewildered and somewhat amused by the statements of former Sport Minister Darryl Smith’s comments in the Trinidad Express today. Padarath stated that the comments attributed to Smith in today’s Trinidad Express totally...
Posted On 11 Apr 2018
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