
Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Republic Day 2018

As I join the national community in commemorating Republic Day 2018, this occasion provides us with an opportunity to examine our progress as a people and a nation. Our forebears had a vision of a thriving, united and productive society, but we must ask ourselves whether we have...
Posted On 23 Sep 2018
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Kamla Writes Commissioner Griffith on A&V – Protect the Evidence

Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad Bissessar, SC, MP, in keeping with a commitment made last week, has written to Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith, calling for steps to be taken by the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) to protect and preserve the evidence in the...
Posted On 20 Sep 2018
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UNC condemns attack on Councillor Vandana Mohit

The United National Congress strongly condemns the attack on Councillor Vandana Mohit which occurred last night. Ms Mohit, the local government representative for Cunupia, became a victim of the crime epidemic which has gripped Trinidad and Tobago over the past couple of years....
Posted On 18 Sep 2018
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Oropouche West MP: PNM adamant to destroy Trinidad and Tobago’s Future

The Member of Parliament for Oropouche West, Mrs. Vidia Gayadeen- Gopeesingh, has strongly condemned the PNM led government for its wanton disregard for the students of La Romaine High School. The La Romaine High School has been plagued with a series of unfortunate events,...
Posted On 18 Sep 2018
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MP Lee: Espinet’s Press Conference PR stunt and waste of taxpayers’ money

“A baseless public relations stunt and waste of taxpayers’ money” is the best way one can describe the media briefing held by Petrotrin Chairman Wilfred Espinet together with the other board members of the state oil company. After listening to this morning’s press...
Posted On 18 Sep 2018
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UNC hits the ground running Budget 2019

The United National Congress has embarked on nationwide community budget consultations, in keeping with the Party’s philosophy of listening then leading. The UNC has employed all arms of the Party- the Local Government Arms, the National Executive, and all MPs and Senators, to...
Posted On 18 Sep 2018
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Charles: Rowley to miss UNGA again; most CARICOM leaders attending

For the fourth consecutive year since taking office Dr Rowley will be a no show at this year’s UN General Assembly which opens next week at the UN Headquarters in New York and will be attended by over 150 world leaders. “Is it that Dr. Rowley is too scared to engage his...
Posted On 14 Sep 2018
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Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath says that he is deeply troubled and concerned by a video making the rounds on social media, with players of the Trinidad and Tobago Women Soca Warrior team begging cap in hand for “any type” of assistance to get them through the...
Posted On 14 Sep 2018
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Kamla: No racism in statement – My track record in public life speaks for itself

I will not be drawn into desperate attempts by the PNM to move public attention away from the real issues that are affecting thousands of people. The PNM history has always been to distract the public attention away from their incompetence and the hardship that they inflict on...
Posted On 12 Sep 2018
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Ramdeen: Petrotrin was deliberately sabotaged

Debate in the Senate September 11, 2018 Mr. Vice-President, I want to express my thanks and gratitude to you in allowing me to debate this Motion on the decision by the Government to close the Petrotrin refinery without providing the workers and the people of this country with...
Posted On 12 Sep 2018
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