
Faris must resign over “Rentgate”, says UNC

Attorney General Faris Al Rawi must resign immediately, or be removed from office, following the shocking revelations regarding the lease of #3 Alexandra Place, a property owned by Zaman Enterprises, of which he is a shareholder. So says UNC Public Relations Officer Senator Anita...
Posted On 02 Apr 2019
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Highlights of the Political Leader’s Address – MNF Rio Claro

The theme of my speech tonight is the “Bold face two face double speak Rowley Government” Ever since we put the country on alert that we are in full election preparedness mode, that we’re getting ready to return good governance to T&T; we’ve seen the crowds get bigger and...
Posted On 02 Apr 2019
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UNC: Prime Minister’s interview nothing but Government PR

“The Prime Minister spent two hours on a morning talk show in a desperate bid to repair his Government’s image and deflect attention from their failures.” This, according to Public Relations Officer of the United National Congress, Anita Haynes. “Instead of engaging in PR and...
Posted On 01 Apr 2019
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Charles to the AG: I do not trust anything you say

MP for Naparima Rodney Charles is today publicly underscoring the fact that he does not trust the utterances of the Attorney General Faris Al Rawi. AG Al Rawi is either a stranger to the facts or he ignores them. He is nothing more than a smooth talker who engages in obfuscation....
Posted On 01 Apr 2019
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MP Lee – Suffering and hardship continues to intensify due to Petrotrin restructuring

While this government occupies themselves with deceiving the population on the sale of Petrotrin assets, the rampant suffering and hardship which has resulted from the restructuring of our state oil company continues to intensify unabated. When Petrotrin closed its gates on...
Posted On 30 Mar 2019
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Spiritual Baptist Liberation Day

I join with the national community in marking the important occasion of Spiritual Shouter Baptist Liberation Day. As we celebrate this joyful event, we are all reminded of the important lessons we can all learn from this community: of the power of faith, the power of unity and...
Posted On 29 Mar 2019
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MP Lee: Come clean on Petrotrin. What is the true story?

Enough is enough, it is time this Rowley led administration own up and account to our citizens by telling us if the people of this country will still own Paria in the future or not. It is time for Government to end the charade of deception which has plagued the handling of...
Posted On 28 Mar 2019
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Kamla: Government must stop retrenchment of UTT workers immediately

Our country is in a crisis as thousands of people have lost their jobs as a result of this incompetent, uncaring, useless Rowley government. Each day more citizens are falling into an “abyss of hopelessness”, after losing their sources of income to maintain their...
Posted On 27 Mar 2019
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UNC slams Government’s failure to deal with crime

  The United National Congress is expressing alarm over the unabated continuation of murders and the increasing incidences of crime in the country which is causing distress for law-abiding citizens. Just look at the headlines of our daily newspapers in the last 24 hours....
Posted On 27 Mar 2019
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Kamla: Government must halt the sale of Petrotrin Assets – Let the People decide

It is disturbing that the Rowley Government makes substantial effort in wrongfully accusing the Opposition for a Facebook post on the Paria Fuel Trading Company in order to create distractions, yet continues to deflect on the real issue at hand, namely, the future ownership of...
Posted On 26 Mar 2019
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