
Kamla: Reality check for society

Many persons in affluent communities believe that the terror inflicted on families by the state in Gulf View yesterday would never have happened to them. There are now cries of abuse of power and infringement of constitutional rights by these affected persons. What this...
Posted On 04 May 2019
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Message from the UNC on World Press Freedom Day 2019

The United National Congress joins the international community in commemorating World Press Freedom Day 2019, a day in which we pay tribute to the journalists whose work helps to safeguard the fundamental principles of our democracy. The theme chosen for this year’s...
Posted On 03 May 2019
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Padarath tells WASA: Stick to the schedule or protest action to intensify

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath said that he took note of a media report today, where WASA officials are denying discrimination in the distribution of pipe borne water. The MP said that the evidence does not support the assertion from WASA since it is only a select few...
Posted On 03 May 2019
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Charles to Minister Young: level with us – Are our borders really on lockdown?

Naparima MP Rodney Charles is calling on National Security Minister Stuart Young to stop playing games and level with the population on whether or not our borders are on complete lock down, as he recently stated. Media reports indicate that residents of Icacos and Cedros are...
Posted On 02 May 2019
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Highlights of the Political Leader Address at UNC 30th Anniversary

WELCOME Our party was created to represent elements of the labour movement, the working poor and the forgotten vulnerable men, women and children of our country. It is poetic that the UNC was born in the mud of Aranguez to represent the hundreds of thousands whose bare hands...
Posted On 30 Apr 2019
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UNC: Today the United National Congress celebrates 30 years of service to our nation

On this auspicious day, the 30th anniversary of the United National Congress, we take a moment to appreciate our evolution into the only political party that embraces every and any citizen who desires to serve our country. Along the way to this significant milestone, we have...
Posted On 30 Apr 2019
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BY Ken Ali When large communities in central and south Trinidad are denied a water supply for weeks, while urban areas get a constant free flow, it is not the commodity that is in short supply. It is justice. It is equity, fair play, even-handedness. That is the current situation...
Posted On 29 Apr 2019
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Tim: Incompetent Deyalsingh Puts Patients Lives at Risk in Sando Hospital Blackout

Minister of Health Terrence Deyalsingh stands accused of placing the lives of scores of patients at risk as a result of the unprecedented electrical blackout at San Fernando General Hospital on Thursday night. Mr. Deyalsingh owes the patients a public apology and the country a...
Posted On 26 Apr 2019
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UNC meets with EBC

On Thursday, 25th April, 2019 a contingent from the United National Congress met with the Elections and Boundaries Commission to discuss a number of key issues. The meeting was at the request of the UNC and is part of the Party’s mandate to work in the interest of the people of...
Posted On 26 Apr 2019
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The “dotishness” continues unabated…as TT walks out of OAS meeting

According to media reports TT’s Ambassador walked out of an OAS meeting on April 23rd in Washington just before Gustavo Tarre, Venezuela’s Opposition Representative, called for help with his country’s “reconstruction”. The Ambassador was joined by...
Posted On 25 Apr 2019
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