AG Ramlogan Receives Courtesy Call From Maulana Ibrahim Bin Yaqub
Maulana Ibrahim Bin Yaqub , Amir and Missionary-in-Charge of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Trinidad and Tobago Chapter paid a courtesy call to Attorney General Anand Ramlogan SC on Monday March 24th 2014 at Cabildo Chambers and took the opportunity to present the Attorney General with some Islamic literature focusing on peace as a gesture of good will.
Maulana Yaqub was also accompanied by Mr Idris Saqui, Financial Controller of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Trinidad and Tobago.
As an advocate of world peace, Maulana Yaqub and the Attorney General held discussions which centered on local and international politics, the positive relations between the government and local Muslim organizations, the social work of the Ahmadiyya Community, education and the role of family. Maulana Yaqub is a true practitioner of the Tenants of Islam, traveling extensively to share the message of “love for all, hatred for none”.
At the end of his visit, he complimented the Attorney General on his legislative triumphs and acknowledged his consistent devotion to championing various social causes. The Attorney General thanked Maulana Yaqub and Mr Saqui for the tokens of appreciation which they presented to him and pledged the government’s commitment through its legislative agenda and social programmes to improving the lives of all citizens of Trinidad and Tobago.
Dated: Wednesday 26th March, 2014.