2 tales on London
Thursday, February 28 2013
THERE seems to be discord within the Tobago House of Assembly, as one day after THA Chief Secretary Orville London confirmed to Newsday that he is going to hire former Finance Secretary Anselm London as a consultant with the Finance Division at a monthly salary of $60,000, Finance Secretary Joel Jack yesterday said this is not so.
He said the THA has not yet taken a decision on the hiring of London (A) and that this issue has been “deferred for further consideration”.
This is completely different to what Jack’s boss, THA Chief Secretary and leader of the Tobago Council of the PNM, Orville London told Newsday on Tuesday.
London had said that the matter came before the Executive Council and “was approved but not yet confirmed”. London said it was due to be taken before the Executive Council at its regular weekly meeting yesterday for official confirmation.
“It was before the Executive Council for confirmation today (Wednesday). That’s the process. If after further deliberation there is need for additional information that Note is deferred again, and that is what happened today. The Note has been deferred for further consideration,” Jack told Newsday yesterday.