UNC: Rowley, a leader who has lost international relevance
The statement delivered by the Prime Minister at the Post Cabinet Media Briefing on Thursday 21st March, 2019 regarding this country’s exclusion from a meeting between the US President and Caribbean leaders appeared to simply be the rants of a leader who has lost international relevance and whose poor decisions continue to diminish our nation’s international standing each day.
The United National Congress, in a statement today said that it is quite unfortunate that the Prime Minister continues to defend his Government’s stance on Venezuela by referencing the UN Charter on issues such as peace and non-intervention, yet ignores the UN Declaration on the Eradication of Hunger and Malnutrition, the UN Universal Declaration on Human Rights and even the UN Declaration on Crime and Public Security, all of which are being disregarded as well as violated within Venezuela by its present regime.
When the Prime Minister says that his hope is for stability and peace for Venezuela, we must question if these are his wishes for the Nicolas Maduro government or for all Venezuelan people, since Venezuelan citizens, have been deprived of all of these under their current regime, the same regime which he has often defended.
Rowley may try to convince his party faithful, but the fact remains that many of our international allies are among the numerous democratic nations with strong human rights platforms who have adopted the position to stand against the tyranny of the Maduro Regime.
When history looks back at this situation, it would be seen that the Leader of the Opposition, the Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar chose the side of freedom. She stood for humanity as she joined world leaders such as Justin Trudeau, Theresa May, Angela Merkel, Scott Morrison and EU leaders to denounce violations to human rights and rallied the calls for the restoration of true democracy in Venezuela.
It is ironic that the Prime Minister has sought to speak about our duty to our neighbours, but it seems his only interest is in one neighbour, Maduro, while our interest is deeply rooted in the millions of Venezuelans who continue to suffer on a daily basis and their ability to have a proper standard of living.
The UNC will always be proud of the position our leader has adopted to stand with the free world in denouncing suffering, starvation and threats to humanity.
Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of our own citizens continue to grow despondent and heavily concerned by the disintegrating international image our nation is gaining under this current regime.
Prime Minister Rowley has boasted in the past that he is this “nation’s salesman” but it appears that under his leadership our nation is becoming a product few would like to buy or invest in, to the detriment of the many talented and skilled citizens of our twin island republic.