Sangeet Panchaayat Censored
It is common knowledge that over the last three days of last week the Panchaayat was virtually taken off the air. This was done by removing the three hosts who were pushing the work of the Government and were defending the policies of the government against the PNM wajangs who call in to debase the People’s Partnership. Instead a DJ named Mamoo was placed to conduct the program.
The PNM complained to the station about the criticisms being received. The Sabgas and the Management through Brandon Khan reacted by sending a message that they are going to censor the voices of the Partnership.
Let us be clear on a few points:
1. The Sabga Group made super profits of 953 million last year. Amongst the profitable companies was Sangeet which profits from dollars spent by UNC and Partnership supporters
2. The Sabgas are mean when it comes to money and charge $6000 dollars per night to broadcast Ramayan Yagnas of the Hindu population. Almost all of this money comes from UNC people.
3. UNC supporters are buying Hondas , Mitsubishis, BMW’s, Range Rovers, Fords etc from the Sabgas.
4. UNC people are buying Carib beer, Heineken Beer and are also buying Ginseng
5. UNC people are shopping at Standards
6. UNc people are putting money into their bank
7. The UNC Gov’t is borrowing from the Sabga Bank
And the result is that the UNC and the partnership is now going to be censored by these hypocrites who are feeding on the blood and sweat of UNC people.
In other words we UNC people are the ones who are keeping their companies alive with UNC people money.
Now what are we going to do about that?
Ramnarace Maharaj
Penal Rock Road