A familiar name not just in the political arena but also in the entertainment industry, Ravi has proven himself to be an all rounded, dynamic individual. Being involved in the party for many years, Ravi currently serves as the party organiser on the National Executive.
A highly educated man, Ravi holds a degree in electrical and computer engineering from the UWI and is also pursuing a master’s in business administration from the Angela Ruskin University.
A former Deputy General Manager of PTSC, Ravi dedicated himself to the proper running of the main public transport service provider for many citizens today. A former candidate in both the 2007 and 2015 general elections, Ravi has distinguished himself in the political arena by representing the UNC in opposition strongholds.
A man with a long and accomplished career, Ravi also served as a Government Senator where he debated several bills in the Parliament.
A long standing believe ad defender of the UNC Ravi continues to stand by and support Kamla Persad Bissessar as she goes into the 2020 General Elections.