Petrotrin Cleared by EMA – No association with Otaheite Oil
The EMA’s statement clearing Petrotrin from any association with the claim of oil appearing at
Otaheite, is welcomed at this time as the Company continues to focus on improved operations
with a long view towards securing the Company’s sustainability and its continued positive
contributions to the energy sector and the national economy.
Petrotrin is however concerned that possible action by private sources could have cost the
Company and, by extension, the people of Trinidad and Tobago, millions of dollars at this time
when we are all implementing measures to adjust to changing economic circumstances.
Further, the Company is concerned about reports of the oil spill published by the local media and
across social media yesterday, which has also impacted negatively on its reputation at this
critical time.
Petrotrin further wishes to reiterate its request to the public to be mindful of their civic duty to
operate within the confines of the laws of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Corporate Communications Department
2014 December 26