Paria’s Shameful Act: Corporate Sponsorship While Ignoring Tragedy Victims’ Families
It is outrageous and truly bereft of basic human compassion that yet again Paria is in the news promoting its corporate sponsorship of an NGO/CBO entity via the use of taxpayer’s money, but continues to ignore, disregard, and fail to offer any help to the families of the divers who perished in the Paria Tragedy.
It is an insult to the taxpayers of this nation that Paria’s General Manager Musthaq Mohammed could boast that this latest partnership “aligns perfectly with the corporate responsibility of Paria” when Paria, owned by the taxpayers, continues to ignore the financial devastation that these families have faced after losing their loved ones.
It is hypocritical of Mushtaq Mohammed and Paria to boast that this recent sponsorship is about “making a tangible difference in the lives of students” when Paria has failed to offer a morsel of assistance to the children of the Paria victims.
This is not a statement against the entity that was sponsored by Paria as we are happy for their contribution to society, but this is a rebuke of the constant pappy show that Paria’s Board and Management continue to put on in the public.
If Paria’s board and management had any decency, or Corporate Social Responsibilities as they boasted, they would have assisted the families from the very start. If Paria had any morally viable Corporate Governance, Musthaq Mohammed, Colin Piper, and the entire Paria Board would not have been in place given the damning findings of the Commission of Enquiry.
Instead, it is business as usual for Paria, with a “lil small change here and there” for some groups, in the hope that the population forgets their disdain and heartless approach to our own fellow citizens.