Padarath : Kamla Shows Real Leadership in Crisis, Citizen had to Smoke Out Rowley to Comment
Princes Town MP Barry Padarath hailed the love, compassion and leadership displayed by the Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad Bissessar in the face of massive flooding throughout parts of Trinidad, as she toured several affected areas and met with local government
Representatives to provide immediate relief to citizens affected.
Padarath stated that Persad Bissessar mandated all Members of Parliament and Local Government bodies of the UNC to be out on the fields early o’clock to assist citizens. Some parts of Trinidad have been submerged in five and six feet of water from Divali day making it impossible for many to perform and participate in the celebrations. Padarath described this as a really sad state of affairs that was further compounded by the lack of support provided by the Government.
The Princes Town MP slammed Prime Minister Keith Rowley for his poor excuses for not being on the fields to assess the flooding and or provide relief to citizens. Padarath stated that after two days of widespread flooding the Prime Minister again, similar to what occurred with tropical storm Brett had a knee jerk reaction on realising that there was massive criticism for his apparent lack of interest and leadership. He added that citizens took to the platforms available to them to smoke out the Prime Minister from hiding.
Padarath lashed out at Rowley for being dishonest about being pre-occupied with the Parliament during the Standing Finance Committee. He added that the audio-visuals of the Parliament clearly showed that the Prime Minister on all days of the Standing Finance Committee appeared in the Chamber for no more than one hour on a daily basis. The Princes Town MP who was present in the chamber on all days of the Standing Finance Committee stayed from the beginning to the end of the sitting and indicated that the Prime Minister misled and lied to the population.
Padarath is calling on the Prime Minister and the Government to hit the ground running and send in the necessary resources to clear water courses and provide measures of relief to those affected. He encouraged the Prime Minister not to walk with his hands swinging this time around with empty promises.