
Charles: Rowley to miss UNGA again; most CARICOM leaders attending

For the fourth consecutive year since taking office Dr Rowley will be a no show at this year’s UN General Assembly which opens next week at the UN Headquarters in New York and will be attended by over 150 world leaders. “Is it that Dr. Rowley is too scared to engage his...
Posted On 14 Sep 2018
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Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath says that he is deeply troubled and concerned by a video making the rounds on social media, with players of the Trinidad and Tobago Women Soca Warrior team begging cap in hand for “any type” of assistance to get them through the...
Posted On 14 Sep 2018
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Kamla: No racism in statement – My track record in public life speaks for itself

I will not be drawn into desperate attempts by the PNM to move public attention away from the real issues that are affecting thousands of people. The PNM history has always been to distract the public attention away from their incompetence and the hardship that they inflict on...
Posted On 12 Sep 2018
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Ramdeen: Petrotrin was deliberately sabotaged

Debate in the Senate September 11, 2018 Mr. Vice-President, I want to express my thanks and gratitude to you in allowing me to debate this Motion on the decision by the Government to close the Petrotrin refinery without providing the workers and the people of this country with...
Posted On 12 Sep 2018
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UNC condemns Ministers’ participation in Police Service press briefing

The United National Congress applauds the news that kidnap victim Natalie Pollonais was rescued late Monday evening and that the mother of three is reported to be in good health and unharmed. We applaud further the diligent and meticulous work of the hard-working police service...
Posted On 12 Sep 2018
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Kamla Stands in Solidarity with Unions and Workers – Support day of Rest and Reflect

-We agree that our beloved country is in crisis as a result of the incompetence, waste, corruption and mismanagement of the Rowley Government. Citizens continue to be robbed, raped and slaughtered by criminal activity with impunity. The health sector continues to be a source of...
Posted On 05 Sep 2018
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Opposition Media Briefing on Petrotrin Issue

Kamla: The Rowley-led PNM Administration is engaging in Industrial Genocide on Petrotrin. Without doubt, this action by the Rowley Govt threatens to throw our beleaguered nation – battered by his punitive, destructive, clueless, incompetent and spiteful regime further into...
Posted On 04 Sep 2018
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Message from Opposition Leader the Hon Kamla Persad-Bessessar on Opening of New School Term

Tomorrow, as thousands of children across Trinidad and Tobago prepare to start a new school term, some eagerly, some with anxiety, I wish you all a calm and productive first day of school. Many of you may be excited to start a new chapter, having moved on to a higher class, or a...
Posted On 02 Sep 2018
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Independence Day Message from the Hon. Kamal Persad-Bissessar, Leader of the Opposition

I join with the national community in commemorating the 56th Anniversary of the Independence of Trinidad and Tobago. Fifty-six years of charting our own course as a nation, on a road that has been fraught with challenges, but with a people determined to move our country along the...
Posted On 30 Aug 2018
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Charles to Rowley: Where is your concern for the well-being of workers?

Eric Williams, faced with the worst crisis in the energy sector in the 1970s, made the interest and welfare of workers his preeminent concern. Rowley, half a century later, by contrast with no known exit strategy for Petrotrin workers is clearly showing that balance sheet,...
Posted On 30 Aug 2018
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MOONILAL : Closure of Petrotrin will add to a brewing social crisis

As a Member of Parliament in a region where many of the affected employees and energy service contractors reside or are headquartered I am compelled to add my voice in condemnation of the callous, cold, heartless and wicked move by the Rowley administration to summarily shut down...
Posted On 29 Aug 2018
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Kamla Urges caution- Let good sense prevail

In a statement today, Opposition Leader and Political Leader of the United National Congress Mrs Kamla Persad Bissessar, urged the Keith Rowley administration to take a cautious and pragmatic approach to the Petrotrin issue. How the restructuring of Petrotrin is handled will have...
Posted On 28 Aug 2018
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