
Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Divali 2018

Today, our nation celebrates the joyous occasion of Divali, the festival of lights. On behalf of the Opposition, I extend warm greetings to the Hindu community and the national community, on the occasion of Divali 2018. Divali is a festival that is well known in Trinidad and...
Posted On 05 Nov 2018
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Gopeesingh calls the flood destruction in Caroni East “painful and distressing”

There will be no major celebrations for thousands of residents in many areas in the Caroni East constituency due to the devastating floods that hit Trinidad and Tobago just two weeks ago, according to Caroni East MP, Dr Tim Gopeesingh. This as thousands of residents are...
Posted On 31 Oct 2018
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Oropouche West MP calls on Chief of Police to increase presence in South Constituencies

The Member of Parliament for Oropouche West Mrs. Vidia Gayadeen- Gopeesingh is calling on Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith to adhere to his statements and increase the police presence throughout the country in light of the exponential increase of heinous crimes committed in...
Posted On 31 Oct 2018
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Moonilal Sets the Record Straight about Greenvale

Oropouche East Member of Parliament Dr Roodal Moonilal is today rebutting the statements being made by Minister of Planning and Development Camille Robinson-Regis that the 230 units constructed by the HDC in Greenvale Development Park, La Horquetta, were done during the period...
Posted On 30 Oct 2018
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PNM’s voter padding housing policy – dangerous, environmentally unfriendly, costly and unsafe for residents

Last week’s flooding exposed the very worst aspects of a PNM housing policy that is environmentally unfriendly, unsafe for the unsuspecting residents, costly to the taxpayer and done without concern for building resilient communities. Their policy makes sense only for padding...
Posted On 24 Oct 2018
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Kamla: Assistance also needed for Sangre Grande, Mayaro and Manzanilla

The Political Leader of the United National Congress Mrs Kamla Persad Bissessar and its National Executive wish to extend heartfelt gratitude to the thousands of volunteers who gave freely of their time and resources to help those most in need. “What we have witnessed over the...
Posted On 23 Oct 2018
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Kamla calls on Government to take immediate steps to relocate residents of Greenvale, La Horquetta

Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, is urging the Government to act with haste to protect the lives of the residents of Greenvale, La Horquetta. The Opposition Leader issued the following statement: I call on the Prime Minister to take immediate steps to...
Posted On 23 Oct 2018
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Lee: Kamla inspired a revolution of relief & hope

As Member of Parliament for Point a Pierre & Deputy Political Leader of the United National Congress, I would like to congratulate all our citizens who have given yeoman service in the past days by helping those affected by floods. However one person who has played a pivotal...
Posted On 23 Oct 2018
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Kamla pays tribute to Winston Bailey, Calypsonian “Mighty Shadow”

Trinidad and Tobago has lost a gifted songwriter and storyteller, Winston Bailey, known to all as Mighty Shadow. Winston made an indelible contribution to our music and culture and had a distinct style of his own. He was born in Belmont, Trinidad, but grew up in Les Coteaux,...
Posted On 23 Oct 2018
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UNC Deputy Political Leader calls on Government to do more to help flood victims

The following is a statement by Senator Khadijah Ameen delivered during the sitting of the Senate on Monday 22nd October, 2018: Over the past three days, our country and our people have experienced a level of disaster most have never experienced before. It has been heartbreaking...
Posted On 22 Oct 2018
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UNC PRO to Communications Minister: Get your act together and help citizens affected by flood disaster 

To say that this Rowley-led Government is incompetent, out of touch and callous in the aftermath of the current flooding crisis is putting it mildly. This, according to UNC Public Relations Officer, Anita Haynes. “The Minister of National Security/Communications etc once again...
Posted On 22 Oct 2018
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Opposition Leader calls on Government to activate Section 2 of the Disasters Measures Act

Leader of the Opposition and Political Leader of the United National Congress is calling on the Government to take decisive action to maintain the safety and security of our citizens as we face this natural disaster. In a statement issued today Mrs. Kamla Persad Bissessar said...
Posted On 20 Oct 2018
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