
Lee: Make it easy to access the grants

As the COVID-19 crisis facing our nation intensifies, the Government needs to be bold, innovative and get relief to affected citizens in a quicker manner. If this administration is really serious about the welfare of our citizens, they must ensure that the promised relief...
Posted On 05 Apr 2020
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UNC Supports wearing of face masks

The United National Congress has taken note of the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) of the United States of America’s latest recommendation to wear face masks when in public to curb the spread of COVID-19. The UNC Political Leader and Leader of the Opposition the Honourable...
Posted On 05 Apr 2020
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Kamla: Urgent Need for Increased Testing to Prevent Deadly Covid-19 Spread in T&T

I note with grave concern the most recent official statistics regarding the Covid-19 spread in Trinidad and Tobago, which clearly point to an urgent need for the Ministry of Health to significantly increase its testing capacity of suspected Covid-19 cases among the population.  ...
Posted On 03 Apr 2020
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Charles: TT citizens languishing in Barbados and elsewhere

Tomorrow a specially arranged charter flight will depart Piarco, using our closed air space, to repatriate US citizens desirous of returning home. Our nationals by contrast must depend on the goodwill of host countries for their very survival. It is each man for himself if you...
Posted On 31 Mar 2020
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Kamla: Stay home, save lives

Leader of the Opposition Mrs Kamla Persad Bissessar, SC, MP, is urging all non-essential personnel to stay at home as we work together to fight this Covid-19 crisis. After having made the call last week for a temporary shutdown of non-essential businesses and services, Mrs...
Posted On 29 Mar 2020
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Kamla: Let the courage of the Shouter Baptist inspire us to achieve national liberation

I wish our esteemed brothers and sisters of the Spiritual Shouter Baptist Community a joyful and safe Spiritual Shouter Baptist Liberation Day 2020. For many years I have joined this community in a communal celebration. This year, as a result of the COVID 19 threat, like many of...
Posted On 29 Mar 2020
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Opposition Leader concerned over COVID-19 cover-up

I have noted with deep concern the Government’s ongoing efforts to suppress valid calls and questions from the population, and especially the Opposition UNC, to be accountable and transparent during this unprecedented Coronavirus crisis in our country. I therefore feel...
Posted On 26 Mar 2020
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Kamla Calls for nationwide shutdown to contain Covid-19

Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP is today calling on the Government to implement measures for a nationwide shutdown of all non-essential services and businesses for fourteen (14) days, in the first instance, in light of the trends we are seeing in the...
Posted On 25 Mar 2020
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Kamla – A time for calm, prayer and united responsibility

  I would like to reiterate the sentiments I expressed upon the announcement of our very first COVID-19 case one week ago, by calling for calm and urging all citizens to follow the recommended guidelines for the prevention of the spread of this disease. In light of the...
Posted On 22 Mar 2020
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Opposition recommendations to Gov’t on COVID-19

Leader of the Opposition, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP today led an Opposition delegation to meet with Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley and his team on the Covid-19 crisis. Mrs Persad-Bissessar noted that this crisis is unprecedented, and welcomed the Government’s...
Posted On 20 Mar 2020
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Opposition Leader to meet with Prime Minister on Covid-19 on Friday

In keeping with my previously stated commitment to the media and national public at large, I am hereby updating the citizenry of Trinidad and Tobago as to the status of my request earlier this week to the Honourable Prime Minister, Dr Keith Rowley, for urgent bipartisan talks...
Posted On 19 Mar 2020
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Dr Gopeesingh: PM Rowley Still Playing Politics With Coronavirus

It is highly regrettable that at a time of an international medical emergency, Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley has chosen to indulge in senseless and emotive politicking. In his characteristic temperamental tone, Dr. Rowley opted to castigate Opposition Leader Kamla...
Posted On 17 Mar 2020
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