
MP Lee – Where are the jobs for Pointe a Pierre in Phoenix Park construction?

As Member of Parliament for Pointe a Pierre, the constituency in which the multimillion-dollar Phoenix Park project is being constructed, I am calling on the Government to tell us how many jobs have been provided for our constituents on this project given the significant...
Posted On 13 Jan 2021
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UNC: Stuart Young Must Stop Trying to Distract us from his Incompetence

Minister Stuart Young’s juvenile and childish response confirms both his incompetence, dangerousness and why this Motion of No-Confidence brought by Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar is absolutely needed. Stuart Young has been inflicted on the citizens of this country at a...
Posted On 13 Jan 2021
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Ministry of Health must do more to protect both staff and patients from COVID-19

The media report in the Guardian Newspaper dated 13th January 2021, highlighting the unfortunate death of a patient at the Port of Spain General Hospital after contracting COVID-19 while at hospital is a serious cause for concern. The Guardian reports that “that the elderly...
Posted On 13 Jan 2021
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Opposition files motion of no confidence in Minister of National Security

Leader of the Opposition, the Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, has filed a motion of no confidence in the Minister of National Security, Stuart Young. Mr. Young’s failure to faithfully discharge his duties to the people of this nation as their Minister of National...
Posted On 13 Jan 2021
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MP for Caroni East: Businesses Ruined by Fire Deserve Forex Support

The warehouses of major private sector businesses in the Caroni East electoral constituency were destroyed by fire this week, and I urge the authorities to assist the owners in resuming operations. The businesses are Alisha Marketing Limited and Roomlocks Electrical Limited,...
Posted On 09 Jan 2021
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MP Indarsingh Calls on Government to Resolve Gas Supply Issues and Protect Point Lisas Jobs

We in the Opposition are calling on the Prime Minister and the Minister of Energy to resolve the deep concerns raised by the operators within the Point Lisas Industrial Estate regarding the supply of gas to such operators and the wider national industry. I take very seriously the...
Posted On 09 Jan 2021
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UNC Women’s Arms Supports the Call for an Apology by Ms Natalee Legore

The inaccurate, inflammatory, and wholly outrageous comments made by Ms. Natalee Legore, that the UNC asking for a recount in the 2020 General Elections can be compared to the current political situation in the USA is atrocious. Her comments are wrong and biased. As a national...
Posted On 08 Jan 2021
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MP Haynes to gov’t: Address the issues, stop scapegoating COVID-19 for the destruction of our Energy Sector

The Member of Parliament for Tabaquite, Ms. Anita Haynes, has noted with concern that the Methanex Corporation’s Point Lisas-based Titan methanol plant “will remain idled indefinitely”. Haynes asserted, “When operations were first halted in March 2020, employees were hopeful that...
Posted On 08 Jan 2021
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The UNC Stands firm on its call for an apology from Natalee Legore

The UNC’s forceful call for Natalee Legore to apologise for her baseless, inappropriate and offensive remarks has provoked a flurry of senseless, distracting statements from official organs of the People’s National Movement, which is quite revealing. A nexus between the PNM and...
Posted On 08 Jan 2021
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UNC Calls for Apology from CNC3’s Natalee Legore

The UNC condemns in the strongest possible terms the baseless, inappropriate and offensive remarks by Natalee Legore on CNC3’s Morning Brew Programme, that the UNC’s Leadership tried to encourage chaos as seen in the US capital yesterday. The UNC has always stood for...
Posted On 07 Jan 2021
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UNC Welcomes new General Secretary and Public Relations Officer

The National Executive of the United National Congress has appointed Mr Peter Kanhai as the party’s new General Secretary and Dr Kirk Meighoo as Public Relations Officer. Political Leader of the United National Congress, the Hon. Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, announced the...
Posted On 06 Jan 2021
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Kamla: As we look forward to the New Year with hope, let us create new opportunities for a better T&T

The year 2020 will undoubtedly remain in our memories for a lifetime. As we reflect on the past 12 months, we note the many challenges we faced and our response to those challenges. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had severe impacts on our daily lives, ranging from job loses,...
Posted On 31 Dec 2020
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