
Kamla to loafing Government: Useless Public relations propaganda will not solve crime.

  This loafing Government has no shame as it continues to come to the population with zero solutions to the crime crisis, but instead beg and blame citizens. While we must all play a role in the fight against crime, it is the Government who must lead this charge as they are...
Posted On 12 Mar 2021
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UNC: Keith Rowley is clueless

Today at the Parliament during the Prime Minister’s Question time, Keith Rowley displayed an amazing lack of intelligence on a variety of critical issues facing our nation. Based on his ineffectualness today, Keith Rowley looked like someone who was walking by the Red House and...
Posted On 12 Mar 2021
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Kamla: Where are the NIB reports?

Under this PNM administration, we have seen a lack of accountability and transparency regarding the governance of State institutions. Over the last six years, we have witnessed a complete collapse of the National Insurance Board. The NIB falls under the remit of the Minister of...
Posted On 10 Mar 2021
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MP Lee – Energy Minister Khan doesn’t know if he is coming or going

Yet again Franklin Khan has thoroughly demonstrated that he is unfit to hold the post of Minister of Energy and Energy Industries given his recent inconsistent and uncertain statements surrounding the phasing out of Super Gasoline. It is quite damning that one day after a news...
Posted On 09 Mar 2021
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of International Women’s Day 2021

It is my pleasure to join the national and international community in celebrating the contributions of women on International Women’s Day 2021. This year’s theme, “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world,” recognizes and celebrates the efforts of women...
Posted On 08 Mar 2021
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PNM continues to ignore the crisis in the Energy Sector

The Keith Rowley led government continues to act as though Trinidad and Tobago’s vital energy sector is in good shape, instead of the crisis state it is currently in. Today the Opposition highlighted the devastating state of our oil and gas industry under this  PNM regime, during...
Posted On 27 Feb 2021
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MP Tancoo: Imbert’s Forex Mismanagement Causing Nightmare for Local Businesses

For the past 6 years accessing foreign exchange has been a nightmare for local businesses. This is despite the fact that the Central Bank sells about US $100 million in foreign exchange to authorised dealers and banks on schedule every two weeks. In 2020 alone Central Bank sold...
Posted On 25 Feb 2021
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MP Tancoo: Is the NIB insolvent?

This was the question MP Davendranath Tancoo posed to the Minister of Finance at the UNC’s virtual Monday Night Forum. According to MP Tancoo, the economy of Trinidad and Tobago continues its downward spiral as citizens are having difficulties in accessing their rightful benefits...
Posted On 23 Feb 2021
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UNC Call for Fresh Election after PM Rowley Caught Lying about Vaccine

Like the singer Shaggy, caught in flagrante delicto, Keith Rowley once again boldfacely declares, “It wasn’t me” and expects the country to believe him. Keith Rowley was obviously upset by the Opposition’s exposé of his administration’s scandalous failure to secure covid vaccines...
Posted On 23 Feb 2021
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Kamla: Granny Luces was a hero and her legacy will forever run on in the history of our nation

I would like to offer sincere condolences to the friends and family of national icon Lynette “Granny” Luces who has passed away leaving a true void in our nation. There is a saying that “not all heroes wear capes” and Granny Luces proved that to be true...
Posted On 18 Feb 2021
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Kamla: Deyalsingh must go now

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley must take immediate action and fire Terrence Deyalsingh. This is necessary given the inexcusable and false statements Minister Deyalsingh made concerning the recent donation of Covid 19 vaccines by the Government of Barbados. At a press conference...
Posted On 18 Feb 2021
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The UNC Stands Firm in its Support for the Rule of Law

The United National Congress notes the Press Release from the Commissioner of Police. The Leader’s remarks are clear, unequivocal and on the public record for all to hear, read and review. Kamla Persad-Bissessar wisely warned that the country must not become monsters in its fight...
Posted On 16 Feb 2021
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