
Opposition Leader – The Prime Minister lied to Parliament

Keith Rowley today again lied to the country under Parliamentary privilege when asked the serious question of whether or not he was vaccinated from the supply of Pfizer vaccines that entered the country secretly. He again refused to answer the simple question of whether he took...
Posted On 23 Jun 2021
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Opposition Leader: No amount of lies and fake bravado can mask Keith Rowley’s incompetence

Today’s Press Conference told us nothing new. From boasting that we were number one in the world, Keith Rowley is now saying “at least we are better than Haiti.” No amount of lies and fake bravado can mask Keith Rowley’s incompetence at handling this Covid crisis. The man’s...
Posted On 19 Jun 2021
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MP for Chaguanas East Calls on WASA to Hold its Hand on Debt Collection

The Government of Trinidad and Tobago continues to create undue hardship on an already demoralized population. To compound an already financially burdened society or in local-parlance add insult to injury, the Water and Sewage Authority (WASA) has advised via a news release dated...
Posted On 17 Jun 2021
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MP Mohit: Seeing our elders being treated like this is beyond intolerable

Exactly one (1) week ago, the Leader of the Opposition raised a definite matter of urgent public importance in the House to confront the Rowley lead regime on their treatment of the elderly at vaccination sites. But despite the meaningless apologies and false promises from the...
Posted On 16 Jun 2021
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Keith Rowley has today admitted before the nation that he has been lying and misleading the country, for months now. His outright lying since last year has cost this country hundreds of innocent lives, while he blamed citizens themselves for his own failure. Only after outraging...
Posted On 12 Jun 2021
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Opposition Leader: Terrence Deyalsingh must go

For a second consecutive day Trinidad and Tobago has witnessed a manufactured disaster at the hands of Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh. After Wednesday’s super spreader vaccination event the Minister apologised and said a new alphabetical system would be used. The...
Posted On 10 Jun 2021
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Opposition Leader: Rowley’s shambolic vaccination rollout, a super spreader event

The mass chaos and confusion seen today as thousands rush for vaccines is yet another reminder of a failed Government led by Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley. What we are witnessing is the mother of all ironies where during a State of Emergency to control and curb Covid -19 we have...
Posted On 09 Jun 2021
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UNC: How Much Faris Wife Made from the AG’s Office?

The Attorney-General is in a serious conflict of interest. He has held a press conference to essentially announce that his office has received a legal opinion which states that taxpayers should not be informed about how much of their money the Attorney-General has paid to his...
Posted On 08 Jun 2021
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MP Charles: Border Security by Vaps

MP Charles has taken note of statements on TV6 this week where Minister Hinds may have inadvertently let slip the true reasons for our disastrous border situation and various security issues – this administration’s unwillingness to verify information and its...
Posted On 03 Jun 2021
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Opposition Leader: Let the presence, love and goodness of God bring healing to our nation

Today as I extend holy and prayerful greetings to the Christian community on Corpus Christi, I do so at a time when our nation is yearning for the sacred message of this blessed celebration more than ever. The feast of Corpus Christi also known as the Solemnity of the Most Holy...
Posted On 02 Jun 2021
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Opposition Leader Message on the occasion of Indian Arrival Day 2021

As we observe the 176th anniversary of the arrival of the first East Indian immigrants to Trinidad and Tobago, we are reminded of their courage and resilience in a time of great uncertainty. Having braved the perilous journey, our forefathers suffered great hardship upon their...
Posted On 30 May 2021
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Opposition to file motion of contempt against Prime Minister

Today I wish to raise a critical matter. On Monday in the Parliament when we were taking note of the Presidential statement on the reasons for pronouncing a State of Emergency, the Prime Minister, in his winding up of that debate, made some statements that were totally misleading...
Posted On 26 May 2021
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