
Senator Jayanti slams Camille for sullying her name

I’ve taken note of the disgusting race baiting tirade by Camille Robinson Regis at the PNM’s La Horquetta meeting which was flimsily masked as a defence of Foster Cummings. This only shows how desperate the PNM are to deflect from all the allegations surrounding their party jefe,...
Posted On 10 May 2023
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Charles to Amery Browne: Stop fooling the population, we are unopposed

Minister Browne must tell the population, who exactly is TT campaigning against for the Presidency of the UN General Assembly (UNGA)? This week, Browne expressed his confidence that TT will be elected as President later this year. He has every reason to be confident, as TT is...
Posted On 10 May 2023
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Opposition leader calls on AG to resign

At his Press conference today, Rowley wriggled and squirmed at the podium attempting to defend his lying AG Armour and his nepotistic puppet President. Today, the press release by the Law Association (LATT) confirms that no consultation was carried out with that body regarding...
Posted On 09 May 2023
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Tancoo: Fiscal 2023 Budget Deficit to Skyrocket Amidst Economic Turmoil

“The Budget deficit for 2023 is astronomically higher than Colm Imbert’s projections and it seems as though the Minister of Finance is hiding the truth from the population.” These are just some of the concerns being raised by Shadow Minister of Finance MP Davendranath...
Posted On 07 May 2023
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Opposition Leader: Rowley is taking citizens for fools

The statement by Keith Rowley in today’s post-cabinet media briefing that he has “nothing to answer for” concerning the alarming illegal abduction of T&T national Brent Thomas from Barbados is unbelievable. Rowley wants citizens to believe that as members of the...
Posted On 04 May 2023
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Opposition Leader issues Pre-Action Letter against PM Rowley

Today, attorneys-at-law acting on my instructions, issued a pre-action protocol letter to Keith Rowley for his defamatory statements against me made at last Sunday’s PNM family and sports day. Rowley’s act of willfully ascribing statements to me which I never made, are not only...
Posted On 04 May 2023
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MP Khadijah Ameen calls for investigation into hospital failure

Member of Parliament for St. Augustine, Khadijah Ameen is calling on the Minister of Health, The Hon. Mr. Terrance Deyalsingh to clear the air on an incident circulating on social media of a 21 year old mother who was allegedly discharged without stitches after a C-section that...
Posted On 03 May 2023
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INDARSINGH: T&T is Crying “may day”

As violent crime, soaring food costs, swelling transportation costs, deteriorating labour relations, and unprecedented hardship hit the people of Trinidad and Tobago under this administration, the United National Congress stands ready to rescue Trinidad and Tobago out of the...
Posted On 01 May 2023
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Kamla demands apology from Rowley

Yesterday in Toco, Keith Rowley showed that he is a desperate and dishonest man, whose game is up. I have never in my life accused one race of committing criminal attacks against another race in our country. Not lately, not now and not ever! Keith Rowley must know that racial...
Posted On 01 May 2023
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Opposition Leader calls on PM to reconsider offer of cooperation to address crime crisis

Crime does not discriminate. The victims and perpetrators of crime span all political affiliations, ethnicities, religions, social standings, and income levels. No matter which sector of society we identify with, we must have the humility to accept this fact, put aside emotions...
Posted On 27 Apr 2023
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MP Khadijah Ameen calls on Prime Minister to deal with crime after Caroni vendor murder

Member of Parliament for St. Augustine, Khadijah Ameen is once again calling for the immediate intervention from the Prime Minister as a watermelon vendor was murdered and another man injured at the Caroni roundabout around 1pm today. According to media reports, the victim...
Posted On 26 Apr 2023
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MP Hosein Responds to Deyalsingh Statement on Recusal

I have taken note of the contents of the statement by Minister Deyalsingh today and respond as follows: 1) A Freedom of Information Application (FOIA) dated 11th January 2021 was sent to the Cabinet seeking the following information: “A List of the matters for which each Minister...
Posted On 26 Apr 2023
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