Roundtable member pulls out

A clash of views at the meeting of the Roundtable movement has led to the resignation of Independent Councillor Member Darren McLeod. Reports state McLeod walked out the groups’ meeting last evening stating that the Roundtable meeting had a bias to the Opposition People’s...
Posted On 27 Jun 2013
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AG tells of PNM’s conflict with DPP

A solid PNM history of conflict with the DPP and other independent offices. That was Attorney General Anand Ramlogan’s pronouncement yesterday as he reiterated the 2006-2007 war of words which exploded, via letter between former PNM Attorney General John Jeremie and former...
Posted On 26 Jun 2013
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PM Hands Over Electronic Devices to Police

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has handed over some of her electronic devices to the police. This is in regard to the investigation into the Section 34 emails which were raised in Parliament by Opposition Leader, Dr. Keith Rowley, and alleged wrongdoing on the part of the...
Posted On 25 Jun 2013
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AG questions democracy under the PNM

Attorney General Anand Ramlogan has pelted back at the Opposition PNM with its own motion: Commitment to Democracy. During his contribution in the Senate on Tuesday, AG Ramlogan accused the Opposition of systematically dismantling the Constitutional independent institutions of...
Posted On 25 Jun 2013
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PM, Opposition Leader’s Twitter accounts in active exchange on Monday

Politcal banter found a new forum on Monday evening as the official Twitter accounts of Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar (@PMKamla) and Opposition Leader Dr. Keith Rowley (@DrKeithRowley) traded words during the UNC’s Monday Night Forum. The Prime Minister’s...
Posted On 25 Jun 2013
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THE COUNCIL of the Law Association yesterday condemned as “wrong and highly improper” the meeting between Integrity Commission chairman Ken Gordon and Opposition and PNM political leader Dr Keith Rowley at Gordon’s private residence on May 15 in the absence of the Commission...
Posted On 25 Jun 2013
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Prove you revealed meeting with Gordon

Anand vows to return $12,000, challenges Rowley: Attorney General Anand Ramlogan yesterday said he was willing to return the $12,000 cheque paid to him by Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley, once Rowley proved he disclosed the meeting with Integrity Commission chairman Ken Gordon...
Posted On 25 Jun 2013
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UNC candidate by Friday

Former government minister Jack Warner will know by Friday whether he is the chosen United National Congress (UNC) candidate to contest the July 29 Chaguanas West by-election. Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, speaking at the UNC’s Monday night forum at Munroe Road Hindu...
Posted On 25 Jun 2013
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Law Association: Gordon/Rowley meeting wrong and highly improper

The Council of the Law Association refers to the recent disclosure by the Chairman of the Integrity Commission that he received the Leader of the Opposition privately at his residence on the evening of the 15th May, 2013 to discuss certain matters which are reportedly before the...
Posted On 24 Jun 2013
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Launch of Centre for Enterprise Development

The media are invited to the official launch of the Centre for Enterprise Development at Innovation Avenue; Friendship Hall Drive, Freeport where the centre will be formally opened by The Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago and CARIRI’s Line...
Posted On 24 Jun 2013
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Mulato- An improved forage for the Caribbean

Mulato and Mulato II are improved grasses recently introduced into Trinidad and Tobago.  They are the result of more than twenty (20) years of research by the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in Columbia.  In 2003, CARDI imported seeds of Mulato and initiated...
Posted On 24 Jun 2013
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CHAIRMAN of the Integrity Commission Ken Gordon has compromised any possible investigation of the email scandal by the Commission by his private meeting with PNM political leader Dr Keith Rowley at his home on May 15 and through his statement issued on Friday and should...
Posted On 23 Jun 2013
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