PM: He was liability to our party

Minutes after Jack Warner announced his intention to contest the Chaguanas West by-election, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar said his request to be returned as an MP on a UNC ticket was disrespectful to the party. She admitted too that keeping him in the Cabinet would have...
Posted On 02 Jul 2013
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Political analyst: An independent Jack can fracture UNC

Jack Warner’s decision to go up as an independent candidate or form his own political party can challenge and fracture the United National Congress (UNC). Going up as an independent can also result in Warner being expelled from the party forthwith. This was the view of political...
Posted On 01 Jul 2013
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Show of UNC strength for Ameen

Twenty four hours after being presented to a crowd in Endeavour, Chaguanas as the party’s candidate to contest the Chaguanas West bye election, Khadijah Ameen, accompanied by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar engaged in a four-mile walkabout in the constituency. Joining...
Posted On 30 Jun 2013
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Bharath receives UN Award on behalf of TT Government

On June 26th, 2013, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Investment team were on hand in Manama, Bahrain for the United Nations Public Service Awards Ceremony to receive an Award, having placed first in the 4th Category – Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information...
Posted On 29 Jun 2013
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Khadijah Ameen Arrested

UNC councillor arrested in protest MAY 17, 2008 UNITED National Congress-Alliance councillor for Valsayn South/Carapo Khadijah Ameen was arrested yesterday during a protest by residents of Spring Village, Valsayn, over a Housing Development Corporation (HDC) project. At around 6...
Posted On 29 Jun 2013
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Khadijah is UNC’s Chaguanas West candidate

UNC Political Leader, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, has announced that Khadijah Ameen will contest the July 29th Chaguanas West bye-election for the UNC. She made the announcement at a rally at Peppersauce Junction in Endeavour just before 9:30pm on Friday. The Prime...
Posted On 29 Jun 2013
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Housing Ministry helping citizens

THE Housing Ministry is saying that a sum of up to $15,000 was given to eligible applicants for repairs to their homes last year. A release stated that in the ministry’s Year In Review 2012 Report, it highlighted the benefits citizens received throughout the year through its...
Posted On 29 Jun 2013
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Major upgrades in store for Mayaro

Minister of Tourism, the Honourable Stephen Cadiz alongside Member of Parliament for the area, the Honourable Winston Peters went on an indepth fact gaining tour of tourism attractions in the Ortoire/Mayaro area on Tuesday. The two MPs have collaborated as a part of the Ministry...
Posted On 28 Jun 2013
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Moonilal condemns Express report on Berryhill’s housing

The Minister of Housing has condemned an Express Newspaper report which stated that Government is secretly housing computer forensic investigator Jon Berryhill at its Federation Park Villas. Mr. Berryhill, a US engineering computer scientist with extensive experience in computer...
Posted On 28 Jun 2013
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AG moving to raise judges’ pension

An increase in the pension for judges is on the way. And a review of the ten-year constitutional provision prohibiting judges from resuming private practice. These were among the “ground-breaking and historic” measures announced by Attorney General Anand Ramlogan aimed ...
Posted On 28 Jun 2013
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AG Condemns Erroneous and Mischievous Guardian Story

PRESS RELEASE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL Re: Guardian Frontpage Story of Friday June 28th 2013. The Honourable Attorney General, Anand Ramlogan, S.C., condemns the mischievous, misleading and false headline in today’s Guardian newspaper, “AG has no trust...
Posted On 28 Jun 2013
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Warner knocks PM for vote for party suggestion

Jack Warner has criticised Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar for urging United National Congress (UNC) supporters to vote for party rather than an individual. As hundreds of exuberant fans surrounded him at Rienzi Complex on Tuesday night, Warner said, “I want to make a point...
Posted On 28 Jun 2013
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