Warner, Bas socialise at Centre of Excellence

Former Cabinet minister and leader of the newly launched Independent Liberation Party (ILP) Jack Warner met briefly with former prime minister and political leader of the United National Congress (UNC) Bas­deo Panday yesterday at the Joao Havelange Centre of Excellence in Macoya....
Posted On 07 Jul 2013
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Bas: Kamla can’t put back Jack

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar would be contradicting herself if she allows former Government minister Jack Warner to contest the Chaguanas West by-election. Former prime minister and ex-leader of the United National Congress (UNC) Basdeo Panday, speaking with the Express...
Posted On 07 Jul 2013
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Rowley: PM must fire Jack

OPPOSITION Leader Dr Keith Rowley yesterday declared that Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar can no longer protect National Security Minister Jack Warner and must immediately fire him from the Cabinet. Rowley issued this declaration in the wake of a report submitted to the...
Posted On 07 Jul 2013
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Kamla: I met with US State Dept officials

PRIME MINISTER Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Monday night pointed out that her decision to accept the resignation of Jack Warner as National Security Minister came after her meeting with US State Department officials. As she gave an account of the circumstances surrounding the...
Posted On 06 Jul 2013
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Warner: PM until death

As he stood before hundreds of supporters in Couva on Tuesday night, Chaguanas West MP, Jack Warner, declared he would remain loyal to Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and the People’s Partnership until the day he died. Warner, who was one of two speakers to get a standing...
Posted On 06 Jul 2013
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Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar extends her heartfelt congratulations to all the students who received their SEA results yesterday, 4th July, 2013. As a former Minister of Education, Prime Minister noted with pride the increase in success in a wider cross section of schools...
Posted On 05 Jul 2013
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PM’s address at the re-dedication ceremony of the signing of the Treaty of Chaguaramas

The following is the speech delivered by Prime Minister, the Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar at the re-dedication ceremony in commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Chaguaramas which was held at the Chaguramas Convention Centre in Chaguaramas. It...
Posted On 04 Jul 2013
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PM receives report on Drug Problems in the Americas

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar S.C. today (4th July) received the final Report on theDrug Problem in the Americasfrom His Excellency José Miguel Insulza, Secretary General of the Organisation of American States (OAS), during the 34th Regular Meeting of the Conference of...
Posted On 04 Jul 2013
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Volney advises Kamla to fire AG, Warner

Sacked Justice Minister Herbert Volney has told Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar she should fire National Security Minister Jack Warner and Attorney General Anand Ramlogan.  Speaking to reporters during the tea break at yesterday’s sitting of the House of Representatives in...
Posted On 04 Jul 2013
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Analyst: UNC members will not jump ship for Warner’s new party

Political Analyst Dr. Indira Rampersad does not believe senior members of the United National Congress will defect to a political party headed by Mr. Jack Warner. Mr. Warner was rejected as the UNC candidate for the Chaguanas West bye-election on Friday and since then, there have...
Posted On 03 Jul 2013
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United States and Trinidad and Tobago to hold joint military training

U.S. Southern Command will partner with the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force (TTDF) to share its expertise during a month-long Joint Combined Exchange Training (JCET) exercise in Port of Spain. The training began June 30 and will primarily engage the Trinidad and Tobago Coast...
Posted On 02 Jul 2013
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Warner silent on PM’s comments

Jack Warner is maintaining his composure and claiming not to be ruffled by the Prime Minister’s revelations that he had refused to travel outside of Trinidad and Tobago. She told the UNC’s Monday Night Forum that Jack Warner had refused on several occasions, when...
Posted On 02 Jul 2013
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