Ministry cracks down on traffic offenders

In a bid to increase road safety, the number plates of persons breaking traffic lights will soon be aired on national television. Minister of Works and Infrastructure, Dr. Surujrattan Rambachan announced during the launch of Traffic Awareness Weeks. He said offenders will be...
Posted On 16 Jul 2013
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Ameen gets Brown support

FORGET green. It’s Brown support for the United National Congress’ (UNC) candidate for the July 29 Chaguanas West bye-election Khadijah Ameen. This as co-ordinator of the Network of NGOs of Trinidad and Tobago Hazel Brown has endorsed Ameen’s candidacy. At a dinner on Sunday at...
Posted On 16 Jul 2013
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Minister & Nursing Council unite to produce more nurses

The Minister of Health is hoping to make some changes to ensure this country produces more nurses. Speaking at the 21st Meeting of the Nursing Council at the Hyatt Regency Hotel on Monday, Dr. Fuad Khan said he hoped to make changes to increase the output and capability of local...
Posted On 15 Jul 2013
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Light bulb swap programme launched

The Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs swapped CLF for incandescent bulbs from householders in Penal on Saturday as part of an initiative to encourage the population to be more energy efficient. The Ministry’s bulb swapping event on Saturday was part of a pilot project...
Posted On 15 Jul 2013
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Kamla: Warner should debate Concacaf report

Why didn’t former government minister Jack Warner debate FIFA ethics committee’s Con­cacaf report with former justice David Simmons? Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar asked the question on Friday as she responded to War­ner’s call for a public debate with United National...
Posted On 14 Jul 2013
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MATT: Senior Investigative Reporters back on the job at Guardian

The Media Association of Trinidad and Tobago (MATT) seeks to correct previous erroneous information released specifically about the alleged resignation of the Managing Director of Guardian Media Gabriel Faria. Further investigation into the matter has revealed that Managing...
Posted On 13 Jul 2013
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PM bids goodbye to UNC ‘soldier’

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar bade a tearful goodbye to councillor Feeraz Ali, a “dedicated soldier” of the United National Congress (UNC), during a funeral service at his Gasparillo home yesterday. “Feeraz has always been a loyal, dedicated soldier for the UNC, and a...
Posted On 13 Jul 2013
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Suruj shows Google’s response to e-mails

Ministry of Works and Local Government Minister Suruj Rambachan yesterday provided the letter he got from Google International indicating that e-mail addresses presented by Opposition leader Dr Keith Rowley in the Section 34 fiasco did not exist. He produced the document during a...
Posted On 13 Jul 2013
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EX-Caroni workers get land leases

After waiting several years, former Caroni workers have received leases for their “promised land.” Over 8,000 beneficiaries received lots of land that would be leased to them for a probationary period of three years and then five years afterwards. The lands granted by...
Posted On 12 Jul 2013
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Emergency response by Minister of the People and Social Development

In response to the plight of senior citizens Mr. Ramdeo Toolsie of Cumuto, the Lalla Family of Freeport  featured on CNC3 News and Ms. Sandra Joseph who was featured on Crimewatch, Minister of the People and Social Development, Dr the Honourable Glenn Ramadharsingh visited the...
Posted On 12 Jul 2013
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Minister Roopnarine rewards students

On Thursday 11th July 2013, Member of Parliament for Oropouche West and Minister of State in the Ministry of Works and Infrastructure, the Hon Stacy Roopnarine rewarded 10 students from schools within the constituency of Oropouche West for placing in the top 200 in the recent SEA...
Posted On 12 Jul 2013
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Local Govt elections will be on time, says Kamla

Local Government elections will be held on time as it is constitutionally due by October 26, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar said yesterday. “It must be called before October 26 and we will honour the Constitution and the law, for the first time we will call it within the...
Posted On 12 Jul 2013
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